REVEALED: Video Released of Phone Call Recording to Chinese Manufacturer Requesting a Bulk Order of Fake US 2020 Ballots – A Smokin’ Gun! + TREVOR LOUDON ILLUMINATES:THE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONARY GAME-PLAN TO SUBSUME AMERICA!

THE GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Jim Hoft | November 28, 2020

A video was released on Friday in Mandarin Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots customized by Chinese factory.

The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.

In the video a caller is heard requesting a bulk order of ballots to ship to the United States.

The video is just starting to make the rounds.
Here is the video with the translation.

FYI- Our Mandarin speaker confirmed the translation is accurate.

From a TGP reader: Our friend happens to be Chinese, but does not like the Chinese Communist Party. My wife showed me an intriguing video which I have enclosed. There is an English translation on the side… It is too bad that there is not a way to get a closer view of the ballot to see the candidates! Then you could detect the destination state. Hopefully you have some digital experts that solve the problem.

More… Two readers say at the 0.54 second mark you can see Charlotte County Florida on the ballots.

Here is a sample ballot from Charlotte Votes…


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