America's Civil War Rising (ACWR) is a grassroots educational and public benefits organization. All views and opinions expressed by third-party contributors and authors that are posted and contained on our website herein are solely their own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of ACWR, its founding members, volunteers, and/or supporters. ACWR strives to ensure the accuracy and credibility of all news and information but makes no claim as to the veracity or accuracy of any of the views or opinions expressed by third-party authors herein.

Military Topples FEMA Outpost in Florida By Adina Kutnicki FROM hereon in, FEMA’s octopus-like tentacles are being unraveled; agent-by-agent, structure-by-structure. No more pussyfooting around. They have been caught dead-to-rights and that is... read more

Military Pillories DeSantis for Praising FEMA + Special Forces Save Child from Evil FEMA Agents By Adina Kutnicki A previously reported division inside the top-tier of the military’s (awesome) White Hats, that is, whether to throw their support behind... read more

Special Forces Fight FEMA Brigades in Storm-Battered Southwest Florida By Adina Kutnicki UNFORTUNATELY, countless still believe that FEMA was put in place to aid disaster- afflicted areas and its victims. Not so fast. A Fed smokescreen. BACK in June 201... read more

Christian school wants photos of 8-year-olds ‘in bathtub’ — fights dirty when parents object Proud Boys and Kelly Neidert’s Protect Texas Kids are in Katy, Texas, protesting a drag bingo fundraiser at First Christian Church. PB and Houston... read more

(Caretaker) Israeli PM Lapid to Make History, Announces Israeli Support for PA (Terror) State at UN By Adina Kutnicki POLITICAL opportunists are endemic within all nations. However, when it comes to Israel — the tiny nation-state of the Jewish people ... read more