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Biden Just Admitted He’s Using Inflation To Bend Them To His Will….

PATRIOTS BEACON | June 27, 2022

It is no secret that the left is in love with radical environmental policies that put a strain on the middle class. The left loves to claim that these policies are to help the American people and to “save the planet” from the stress of the human race, but that makes literally no sense at all.


At this point in time, the American people are struggling to put food on the table, pay bills and even get to work.

Why is that?

Well, the ballooning inflation in our country right now.

The gas prices in the nation are out of control, the cost of food is tripling, and there is no end in sight.

The left’s idea to combat this crisis is just as wild as the gas prices. These out-of-touch liberals are suggesting that everyone purchase an electric car, but then say that we need to raise our thermostats on hot summer days so the grid is not overwhelmed.


How in the world can we all purchase electric cars but not have the infrastructure to power them?

That is not stopping them from pushing their far-left agenda, and in fact, Joe Biden just admitted that is what they are attempting to do.

According to Newsweek:

President Joe Biden suggested Monday that the U.S. has a chance to make a “fundamental turn” toward green energy, even as some experts warn that the economy is headed toward a recession.

Shortly after speaking about his skepticism regarding an economic downturn, Biden told reporters in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, that his mother had an expression: “Out of everything lousy, something good will happen if you look hard enough for it.”

“We have a chance here to make a fundamental turn toward renewable energy, electric vehicles, and not just electric vehicles but across the board,” the president said.

Of course, plenty of conservative critics had some harsh words in response to Biden’s recent remarks.

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