Chinese Ambassador Applauds Hillary Clinton For Spreading Communist Chinese Propaganda, Attacking Trump

[EDITOR’S NOTE BY ADINA KUTNICKI: Is there anyone with working brain cells who is shocked, shocked that criminally and fascist-bent Hillary Clinton is aiding and abetting the propaganda machine coming out of communist China? If so, go back to sleep….. | March 21, 2020

China’s ambassador to South Africa on Friday applauded former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for advancing the Chinese Communist Party’s official line about the coronavirus not being a “Chinese virus.”

Didn’t the Chinese fund the Clinton library? Oh, they did much more than that.

I wonder if the Chinese ambassador realizes that our most famous political prostitute expects to be paid for her services.

Washington Examiner:

Days after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ripped President Trump for what she called “racist rhetoric” toward China, a top ambassador from the country is agreeing with her sentiment.

Chinese Ambassador to South Africa Lin Songtian backed the former Democratic presidential candidate in a two-line tweet responding to Clinton’s tirade against Trump for his continued use of the terms “Chinese virus” and “Wuhan virus.” Clinton claimed Trump was “turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on.”

“It is true,” wrote Lin on Saturday morning. “Justice always speak loudly.”

Trump’s insistence on noting the origin of the coronavirus has led to criticism from media outlets who only one month ago used similar language to describe the flu-like illness. The disease is believed to have first appeared in a seafood market in Wuhan, China, but the language the president has used to describe the geographical home of the virus has created a bitterly partisan political debate. More

Hillary Clinton continues to prove that the American people were right not to elect her! We call it the Chinese virus because it comes from China and that’s not racist!

I think everyone should ask the people of Haiti what their opinion of what Hillary Clinton’s disaster response would be.

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