DHS Shields Islam But Persecutes Christian Refugees. Jeh Johnson: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

By Adina Kutnicki

 BE they domestic or foreign enemies, a (civilized) nation’s security arms have a sworn duty to protect the citizens. No doubt. However, under HUSSEIN Obama said mandate has been flipped upside its head. Resultant, Americans would be wise to be VERY fearful of the leadership’s Federal security forces, every bit as much as enemy agents.


AND those who believe that such an assessment is nothing short of hysteria or hyperbole may want to reconsider – or not. On the other hand, this address prefers to deal with reality, regardless of where it leads. Alas, for some, even atop enumerable signals, an American leader can actually document his heart of hearts and profess allegiance to Muslims, yet, they remain in denial. Suit yourselves.

NEVERTHELESS, from his own words within “Dreams of My Father” and “Audacity of Hope:

In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.

WHAT’S ambiguous about that? Not a damn thing.

IT is under this glaring and microscopic examination that HUSSEIN Obama’s DHS treachery is exposed for what it is. Yes, some may inquire: even so, what difference does it make, after all, what can be done to stop this behemoth? Not so fast.

ACTUALLY, the more Jeh Johnson, DHS’s Director, is placed under the spotlight, he is forced to defend the strategies – or lack thereof – of his agency. This is precisely why certain folks – in particular, whistle blowers – are prime targets of harassment campaigns and other silencing and menacing tactics.

(VIDEO: DHS Agent Exposed Obama! Feds Take Her Job, Her Reputation . . . And Go After Her DAUGHTER!)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26QwpETVUpc?version=3&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=584&h=359]

AS to Special Border Agent Julia Davis….O M G! And the targeted list goes on, duly supported by (yet to be revealed) copious amounts of confidential info within this domain. It is off the charts.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feHbP4k_tdk?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=584&h=359]

ARE the readers sensing a pattern, as to DHS’s malignant behavior? Hope so.

IN this regard, a concerted amount of energy is expended to highlight the dangers underwritten by Obama Inc.’s DHS. Consider: while this site has already revealed a lengthy list of evidence, suffice to state that a most recent one (June 2015) encapsulates its essence via DHS and its Mafia-like tentacles. More than indicting.


BACK in May 2013, the following was reported at these pages: DHS, A Malevolent Anti-American Behemoth Targets Whistleblowers & Patriots: Valerie Jarrett’s Fiefdom.” Its contents are more than indicting.


BUT whereas the current Director of DHS is Jeh Johnson (and we will get to him), his predecessor was Janet Napolitano. Mamma mia! An attesting commentary was written in July 2013: ” ‘Mamma Janet’ Loses ! 226 Illegals Deemed National Security Threats: How Did This Happen?”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDk0DLxO-TY?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=584&h=359]


IN relationship to this same trail, Oct. 2013 included a follow-up to Jarrett’s stranglehold on DHS: “Targeting Patriots: Warnings From (Ret.) Army Officers of Martial Law & More.” Does it get any clearer, as to the groundwork being laid by Obama Inc.’s DHS? Not really.


SO, adding fuel to the fiery charges, guess what was found out in Dec. 2013? “DHS was caught ferrying illegal aliens”, thus, usurping its own “law and order” enforcement mandate! That’s what.


COULD it get any worse? You betcha. It was asserted in July 2014: “Obama’s Goons Silencing/Threatening Whistleblowers: Shut Up, Or Else.”



PAR for DHS’s criminal course, Mafia-like, they not only lie but aid and abet terrorist infiltrators, as indicated in a Dec. 2014 commentary! Believe it.


EVEN so, DHS’s (Obama Inc.’s) criminal behavior begs the main questions: why is DHS ordering Border Patrol to lie about Islamic infiltration? and what are they up to?

INCONTESTABLY a deliberate, willful, highly dangerous and ongoing campaign to pave the way for anti-American forces – be they illegal or legal subversives – is the centerpiece of DHS’s activities. Forget about any other balderdash spewed from Jen Johnson or his mouthpieces. Consummate liars.

RESPECTIVELY, shielding Islam from any blow back by patriotic Americans (numbering in the many millions), regardless of atrocities committed in its name, is a priority for each agency under this totalitarian-bent regime. But none is more dangerous than DHS, as they are the custodian’s for America’s safety!

TO wit, once again, Jeh Johnson lied like a drunken sailor. Whereas he previously denied that ISIS is a threat to America, he is now parroting his boss, dictating that ISIS shouldn’t be associated with Islam! Did you ever?

ISIS stands for the “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.” But it seems Homeland Defense Secretary Jeh Johnson didn’t get the memo and is now telling Americans not to associate the Islamic State with Islam.

Seriously. You can’t get much more deluded than this. According to a post at the Gateway Pundit:

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says that in order to keep ISIS from radicalizing Americans inside the United States, it is “critical” not to use the word “Islamic” when describing attacks or other actions tied to the terrorist group.

“[ISIS] would like to be referred to as ‘Islamic extremism’ because it therefore concedes that what they are saying and what they are doing occupies legitimately some form of Islam,” Johnson said today at a national security forum in Aspen, Colorado.

“The Muslims I know and that I’ve spent a lot of time with in this country believe just the opposite,” he added.

Rebuffing any suggestion that he’s being “politically correct,” Johnson said “building trust” with Muslim community leaders across the United States is “fundamental” to the U.S. government’s counter-terrorism efforts.

Jim Hoft notes that the so-called “Religion of Peace” has killed over 2,988 during the month of Ramadan 2015.

And don’t forget, they’re now using children to carry out their heinous acts of murder.

But hey, there’s nothing to see here, right? Right?

These people are going to get us all killed if we’re not careful.

HEY Jeh, with all ‘due’ respect – as if – S T F U!

NOT only that, as the ‘non-Islamic’ ISIS (and the rest of Islam’s hydras) blow up the Mid East, Africa, Europe and beyond, so too its followers have been granted free rein to slaughter America’s military personnel. In fact, they recognize that DHS is on their side and that is that. Regular citizens, watch your backs because no one else will.

BUT if you think HUSSEIN’s goons can’t top their treachery, you would be wrong. Alas, whereas an open sesame has been granted to unfettered amounts of Muslim ‘refugees’ (coupled with regular Islamic immigration and student visas alike) throughout his (hellish) two-terms in office, Christian refugees, those whose coreligionists are being decimated throughout the Mid East, are told: NO CAN DO!

Miraculously, 20 Christians escaped the clutches of ISIS in Iraq and made their way to the U.S. Now they’ve been detained by our U.S. government in California for 4 months. No one can figure out why.

It is well documented and common knowledge that ISIS has been routinely executing Christians (and many others) in their quest for dominance. ISIS-controlled territory is not safe for Christians. Granting political asylum is something the U.S. does for persecuted people. So what’s the problem here?

Given the Obama Administrations blatant disregard for immigration laws, turning thousands of illegal criminals out into the streets, and their non-enforcement policies why are these 20 individuals who came to the U.S. seeking legal entry being detained indefinitely? ICE says it’s the…

…agency’s policy of holding those who are public safety threats or flight risks, the vast majority of foreign nationals arrested by ICE are, in fact, released under supervision while their cases are pending.”

Hmmm… if it’s their policy to release them “under supervision” while the case is in progress, that still doesn’t explain their detention.

You’d think it’d be comforting to know that ICE is detaining SOME immigrants, but it’s not. Not after the debacle that led to Kate Steinle‘s murder.

When we’re detaining innocent Christians seeking to escape persecution and letting a repeat offender felon walk free on the streets, we have a serious problem that may require a full system overhaul. Or maybe we should try adhering to the laws we have on the books? I bet that would work too!

BESIDES, people who pride themselves on being rational, honorable and somewhat knowledgeable about world events, can’t deny what is taking place before their (horrified) eyes, thus, questioning: what the devil is going on? How could it be that the traditional role played by the leadership of the free world is shielding the most retrograde force known to man, Islam, at the expense of freedom and liberty?

SIMPLY put, a verifiable and air tight case has been made that Obama Inc.’s tentacled arms of (in)security are determined to confuse the public by (mentally) disarming the citizens. Instead of protecting them, they disentangle ‘Pure Islam’ from its roots; that which is responsible for attracting millions of committed Muslims to join the ranks of ISIS by feigning that what is isn’t. Who behaves this way, other than committed Islamists and anti-Americans??

REST assured, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram, and the dozens of other Islamic terrorist groups are just splinters from the Islamic ideology itself.

AND its followers living in America do not support the U.S. Constitution over Shariah law. If a Muslim tells you he/she does, they are lying to you. The only solution to save America is for America to be a land for Americans only or those who would give their life to support the U.S. Constitution. If a person does not meet this requirement then he/she should be considered an enemy of America.

MORE specifically, BOKO HARAM, the group that kidnapped 300 innocent Christian children in Nigeria are practicing Islam as Mohammed and Shariah law dictate. They are not radical. They are ‘Pure Muslims’ who desire to live in a land as Mohammed wanted. They are just carrying out his commands.

ONCE again, the following are words to live by – literally:

“A Radical Muslim’ is a ‘Practicing Muslim’, a ‘Moderate Muslim’ is a ‘non Practicing Muslim’ or otherwise known as an Apostate of Islam…The penalty for Apostasy under Sharia law is Death”

“Destroy the Islamic ideology worldwide and we will have peace worldwide” .

“Islam is an economic, military, and political ideology, that uses religions as a method to obtain their ultimate goal: Islamic Ummah (Nation)Worldwide and under Sharia law”

“CAIR has a larger and more dependable ‘Confidential Informant’ Network’ than our entire FBI Department. CAIR has devoted non Muslim people within local, state, and federal government. They have police officers in high positions, medical personnel, military personnel, and most importantly they have Pastors, Ministers, and Rabbi’s.

“We are not at war with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Taliban, or other Islamic terrorist groups. We are at war with Islam itself and the groups that emerge from the violent ideology of Islam are our secondary enemies”.

AT the end of the day, if those sworn to protect America deny the gravest threat to America and to the entire west – either due to their actions or lack thereof – aren’t they committing treason at the highest level? If not, why not?

EXTRAPOLATING further, who in their right (no pun intended) mind would follow security directives from said anti-Americans and inveterate liars?

ANY takers?

liar liar pants on fire photo:  pantsonfire_zpsd711f903.gif

Source:: DHS Shields Islam But Persecutes Christian Refugees. Jeh Johnson: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

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