By Adina Kutnicki

(SO happy together….what a hunk-a-lovin’ couple!)

TRULY, in the same manner in which ones heterosexuality is ones personal business, so too it should be when living an alternative lifestyle. Live and let live.

“BUT NOOOO!”, homosexual/transgender front-groups abuse particular entry points (media, academia, legal, cultural and PC trigger/subliminal mechanisms) as societal bludgeons. Hammer-like, they are wielded against those who refuse to shed their traditional views on marriage and family. Thus, they have declared war, and traditional Americans dare not sit on the sidelines. You got that?

LET’s be very clear: it matters not a whit to this investigative journalist what CONSENTING adults do within their own private domain. After all, since when is it anybody’s business which acts (legal age) individuals perform, and with whom? Just leave those of us who are traditional in outlook the hell out of said private (emphasis placed) business. And herein lies the thrust.

YES, it absolutely becomes the people’s business when a militant agenda is being rammed down their throats, at the same time that said demands are backed up by those in top leadership. Agreed? As is said, this is where the rubber meets the road.

IN this regard, the “Gay Mafia” enters the discussion, yet, no one should be naive enough to believe that said appendage is derogatory or hyperbolic. If only.

SANS a scintilla of a doubt, the following should serve as exhibits (and testimony) to the grave damage inflicted upon America by the “Gay Mafia.” Its leader (as will be proven, once again) is the “Down Low” POTUS, as he continuously despoils the People’s House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Precisely, this is why “Gay Day” is not only on his radar, but CELEBRATED via his bully pulpit! Mind you, none of it has to do with so-called “equality” and the ability to love ones partner. Smokescreens.

Maybe he could have convinced them that they need to work on their tolerance. To that end, since he’s declared it an international day of celebration, why not load the family and a few select friends into Air Force One for a road trip to Saudi Arabia or his new best friends in Iran. They could invite Reggie Love and really do it up right.

Obama said in his statement that he’s working to “address the specific needs of transgender persons.” He’s not talking about psychiatric help – pills, implants and a political declaration of normal are all they’re lacking. They are entitled to them and they’re free now under Obamacare. The taxpayers can afford anything.

“Michelle and I join our fellow Americans and others around the world in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia tomorrow, May 17. We take this opportunity to reaffirm that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights are human rights, to celebrate the dignity of every person, and to underscore that all people deserve to live free from fear, violence, and discrimination, regardless of who they are or whom they love.

We work toward this goal every day. Here at home, [The White House?] we are working to end bias-motivated violence, combat discrimination in the workplace, and address the specific needs of transgender persons. Overseas, I am proud of the steps that the United States has taken to prioritize the protection and promotion of LGBT rights in our diplomacy and global outreach.

There is much more to do, and this fight for equality will not be won in a day. But we will keep working, at home and abroad, and we will keep fighting, for however long it takes until we are all able to live free and equal in dignity and rights.”

Bathhouse Barry Obama issued a statement on Saturday indicating that he and his partner would be commemorating an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on Sunday. It’s probably not an accident that he chose the traditional Christian day of worship for his celebration of sodomy. He could have announced it on a week day but that wouldn’t have had the symbolism. Friday was an option, the Muslim day of worship, that he also chose to forego.

HOW magnanimous…oh, not at all self-serving…

ONCE again, let’s play connect the dots.


BACK in Feb. 2013, a particular commentary swirled around the web like a house on fire. Now, that was a good result but only because of the seriousness of the situation. The fact that it was written in a certain manner, well, chalk it up to a stylistic approach.

A guy’s gotta do what he’s gotta do, even if one is the leader of the free world. As many are aware, there are certain urges which can’t be squelched, at least if one is used to doing whatever, wherever, and whoever one desires. Such is the case with Barack HUSSEIN Obama, the master of his domain. The universe too.

Some may have missed this bit of news: the POTUS partook in a “mini golf vacation” last weekend (wifey was away with “the girls”, but don’t scoff, let’s not be mean spirited, they all needed a good rest from their Hawaiian vacation, a little over a month ago), but who can keep up with his/their jaunts. Besides, we are not talking about a hard worker. Alas, he needs his nappy time, nookie time and golf time, but not necessary in that order.

Regardless, his R & R didn’t sit well with the usual subservient, lap dog White House press corps, you know, the guys and gals hanging in thrall with his every word. They moaned and groaned about their TOTAL lack of access. Poor dears…they should live a day in this blogger’s shoes…what do they have to complain about?

‘Private club: Obama spends 3rd straight day hidden on links’….

One shouldn’t think that Reggie Love inducted him into the “down low” lifestyle, not at all. Recall, Rev Wright and his “guiding” hands….

For the real record, let’s just conclude that the work-weary POTUS required some “down time”. So he went golfing in Florida, and then mixed it up with some ” good lovin’ “.

As “Porky Pig” always signed off, ” That’s All Folks” ! –


OF course, aside from the Gay-in-Chief’s personal proclivities, the fact remains that he has an entire “Gay Mafia” (U.S. and Euro-based) at his disposal and he is now its titular head. No kidding.

ABSOLUTELY, HUSSEIN Obama’s Gay Lobby knows no bounds, so much so that they extended their iron fist to Russia. Say what? Well, they even interfered with a Russian Minster who happened to be protecting the rights of traditional families. Evil.

THE twisted Gay Mafia perpetually campaigns for adult-child sex, as pedophiles can never satisfy their perverted obsessions. Pointedly, the Gay-in-Chief eviscerated DOMA by ensuring that the epicenter of western norms – the marriage between a man and a woman – was knocked down. Beyond contemptible. Devilish.


ALAS, a preponderance of western profs pollute the public space, be it within America or outside its confines, and they are gunning for the kiddies. This is a fact.

As WND reported, a book published in 2005 featured multiple Ph.D. “experts” claiming that sex with children “can benefit” boys and even serve a “mentoring function.”

SO there we have it: an “educated” twist is lent to the Gay Mafia (wherever they hail from), as deviant academics “kosher” pedophilia’s “natural normalcy”! Orwellian.

AND since little happens in a vacuum, the slippery slope is, as mentioned, careening America off the cliff, as well as those throughout the western world.

ENTER…the war on bakeries and pizzerias. Come on, must they have their claws into every establishment, even mom and pop businesses? Mind you, there are “special” exemptions for those who refuse, based on religious convictions, to service gay couples with specific wedding plans. Yes, there are. Now, readers, put on your thinking caps, and decide which grouping is let off their Mafia-like hook.


THESE modern-day storm troopers conveniently forget the fact that gays are killed in Muslim countries (and so on and so forth), but they are terrified of Muslim backlash. Hence, they are left unmolested. On the other hand, Christians (Jews) are “fair” game and the main (extortion) targets of the Gay Mafia.

FOR crying aloud, what the hell is going on in America? Moreover, why is it unacceptable for Christians (Jews alike) to exert their “religious rights” to refuse clients based on a particular inquiry for service? Are they now second class citizens? Apparently.

CONSEQUENTLY, it is increasingly apparent that the militant Gay Lobby must be taught certain primary and street-wise lessons. Boundaries. For instance, if they refuse to cease and desist in their criminal harassment/threats against Christians, perhaps they should learn that a fearsome backlash will be the outcome of any future intimidation tactics. Surely, they must internalize that the Christian (or Jewish) community will react accordingly.

INDEED, the Gay Mafia believes it is their “civil right” to terrorize bakeries, pizzerias and other PRIVATE establishments who decline to decorate their “wedding” cakes and the like. The question becomes: what’s going to be done to cause them to stand down? Time will tell.


FOR heavens sake, even America’s toilets – kiddie ones too – aren’t off limits. Is this normal behavior, or is there a VERY targeted agenda at hand? You decide.

IT goes without saying – at least it should – that when a militant minority attempts to impose its unilateral will on the majority, well, the end result will be fascist in nature. In other words, be it through subversive means, the inversion of democratic principles (via screams of “equality”, even as they completely trample upon the majority’s rights) or outright threats, bullying and intimidation tactics, a liberal-based society is turned upside down before the majority realizes what hit them. Ain’t that the truth.

RESULTANT, the latest verbal gymnastics from the courts, that a “father” and “son” can marry, is what is termed in legal jargon as the slippery slope principle.

Slippery slope principle refers to an argument that every relaxation of a constitutionally imposed restraint is an invitation to justify some other or further relaxation of that restraint…

MOREOVER, activist courts expose an overriding danger, one which emanates via judicial fiat for the purpose of social engineering. This basis is best demonstrated via the following case in point:

In United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of government policies that reflect traditional marriage—that is, marriage as a union between one man and one woman. If the Court does not dismiss these cases on jurisdictional grounds, it should act to uphold traditional marriage. Nothing in the Court’s jurisprudence suggests that the right of same-sex couples to have their relationships recognized as marriages is so fundamental as to be protected by the Constitution’s Due Process Clause. Nor does the Equal Protection Clause require that result, given the societal purpose and value of marriage as furthering procreation and child-rearing. Because the Constitution does not speak to this question, it is one that is left to ordinary political processes, not to judicial fiat.

IN effect, by legally (and mentally) eviscerating one previously inviolate line after another, most inherently, that marriage is between a man and a woman, more and more pressure points are exploited to TOTALLY destroy America’s edifices. Their end point is a complete and utter toppling, one which previously upheld and defined the national ethos. Diabolical.

TO wit, the above has been the “Gay Mafia’s” goal for decades. However, their plans are moving at warp speed, all “credit” to the Down Low-in-Chief ala a compliant/highly activist judiciary and like-minded surrogates!

Source:: “Down Low” POTUS Strikes Again: “Gay Day” Lauded In Obama’s America! A Pandora’s Box…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

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