Is The Left Planning To Use Coronavirus To Enable Voter Fraud?

[EDITOR’S NOTE BY ADINA KUTNICKI: The question isn’t: Will the left use Coronavirus to enable voter fraud? Rather, it is the converse: How will the left use the pandemic to ensure President Trump’s defeat, as well as across-the-board losses for Republican Congressional candidates? Indeed, do recall President Clinton’s (a.k.a. Bubba) infamous henchman, yes, Rahm Emanuel, and his revealing quote: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Bulls-eye.]

LibertyBell,com March 20, 2020

Tom Fitton, president of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, has accused the Democratic National Committee of exploiting the coronavirus outbreak with their call to expand voting by mail.

This is a perfectly reasonable charge, considering the DNC is well-known for promoting any tactics that help unverified voters flood the system in their favor such as combating voter ID laws and supporting voting among illegal aliens.

Fitton declared on Twitter that the left is “using pretext of the Coronavirus outbreak to push unsecure ‘vote by mail’ free for all, no voter ID anywhere for 2020 elections.”

Earlier this week, DNC Chairman Tom Perez urged the states to consider expanding vote-by-mail options to voters as well as absentee balloting and keeping longer polling station hours so that the remaining primary elections can continue amid the coronavirus outbreak, OANN reported.

WND notes:

In Florida, where Biden defeated Sanders 62% to 23%, nearly 700,000 Democrats had returned mail-in ballots by Wednesday morning, an increase of 27% increase from the 2016 Florida primary.

Just 500,000 Florida Democrats voted at polling stations on Election Day, a 40% decrease from 2016.

While speaking at CPAC earlier this month, Fitton noted that Judicial Watch has a “massive project” to force states and local jurisdictions to cleanse their voter rolls of unqualified voters.

Last year, JW conducted a study which found that 2.5 million extra names were on voter rolls across the nation, Fitton said.

He asked, “Why would the left so reflexively oppose clean election rolls, voter ID, citizenship verification for voting and promote dangerous practices like ballot harvesting?

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“I think it’s because they want to be able to steal elections, when necessary,” he said.

On Tuesday night, former Vice President Joe Biden won the Democratic primary in the key swing state of Florida against Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Sanders, who many said could kiss the Sunshine State goodbye after refusing to distance himself from previous praise he’s given to communist dictator Fidel Castro, from whose government hundreds of thousands of Cuban-Americans residing in the state fled over the decades.

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