ISIS Entering US, Obama Inc.’s Imprimatur Via ‘Refugee’ Resettlement: Lebanon’s Minister Confirms. Charge: Treason!

By Adina Kutnicki

MUCH has been written at this site about ISIS’s (associated Islamic terror hydras alike, be they Sunni or Shia) infiltration and penetration into the US. As a matter of record, as if on orchestrated cue – after related commentaries are posted up – certain messages are sent this way. Let’s just say that its gist involves the same theme: Stop lying…cease and desist!

INDEED, they are entitled to their opinions, but they are not allowed to dictate what gets printed – at least on this end.

REGARDLESS, much of the focal point, until now, has centered upon HUSSEIN Obama’s open sesame borders, and with Mexico as the main conduit. This is not for nothing.

POINTEDLY, this is how Islamic terrorists (be they ISIL/ISIS, Hezbollah or other Brotherhood Mafia offshoots) penetrated America, and it was accomplished through DHS’s open sesame borders alongside Mexico.

YES, this investigative journalist has proven that DHS is responsible for said infiltration and penetration, and that Mexico is key.

CONSIDER the following, as one exhibit out of a lengthy list:


MOST ominously, a road map to their Mexican base – and how it came to pass – has been detailed at this site. Indeed, “ISIS is making preparations to strike U.S. southern border states” was written in Aug. 2014.

AMERICA’s compromised borders are not the result of an operational inability to control infiltrators, whether under the guise of kiddies or not. The absence of proper controls were designed to aid and abet the overthrow of America, both through an unbearable crush of illegal aliens, further coupled with an ability to ferry Islamic terrorists for whatever havoc they have in store. Sounds bizarre, yes, but not from an Anti-American-in-Chief’s perspective.

MOVING right along…the poisonous fruits of HUSSEIN Obama’s labors are prepping to explode. As indicated, a two-prong probing is in place; within America and poised inside Juarez, Mexico.

IN fact, as a main hub for narco-terror (alongside the tri-border region of Latin America), MS-13 became a front center concern at this blog. This site is anything but Johnny-Come-Lately….continue reading

LO and behold, a TOP law enforcement official has finally admitted that Islamic jihadists have infiltrated through Mexico! What took them so long? Well, let’s take a stab at it: Could it be that operational plans are so far along…hmm…it is impossible to pretend that what is isn’t??…continue reading….

ATOP all the out-sized dangers attributed to Obama Inc.’s dereliction of duty re national security alongside Mexico’s border, along comes an added ‘bonus’ via the ‘refugee’ resettlement disaster. Now, it is hardly necessary to apprise readers of the stakes, and American patriots are gearing up to react. Its basis is described at ‘US Patriots (Finally) In An Uproar: Islam’s Encroachment In Their Cross Hairs. Brotherhood Mafia’s Apologists Fired Up.’

IN this regard, it is particularly noteworthy that a Lebanese Minister entered the fray, in so far as Lebanon (coincidentally, not only is Lebanon a close by neighbor, but a focal point of an ongoing gold/money laundering operation, one which links Massachusetts to al-Qaeda in Lebanon…hmm…) is rife with Sunni and Shia jihadists. Resultant, the nation is hardly known for its concern for America’s security, or for the west at large.

BE that as it may, patriots are advised to sit up and take notice when certain warnings are blared, that which already confirm much of what has been uncovered by this investigative journalist’s contacts.

And since the Obama Regime is pushing to allow as many as 200,000 alleged Syrian refugees into the United States, that could mean as many as 4,000 or more ISIS terrorists could slip through our vetting process.

Two in every 100 Syrian refugees entering Europe are ISIS supporters, according to Lebanese Education Minister Elias Bousaab.

This statement is especially alarming in light of the national security concerns regarding the migrants that have surfaced in the United States, as President Obama considers allowing refugees onto American soil.

And since the Obama Regime is pushing to allow as many as 200,000 alleged Syrian refugees into the United States, that could mean as many as 4,000 or more ISIS members slipping through our vetting process.

Bousaab went on to say that ISIS is sending trained jihadists on covert missions to plan attacks in the West, this according to the Daily Mail. The Lebanese Education Minister also stated that ISIS leaders have recruited individuals, including children, from schools and refugee camps before helping smuggle them into Europe through Greece and Turkey.

According to Minister Bousaab, the targeting of Syrian migrants by the Islamic State poses a threat that is “growing and mushrooming.”

“My gut feeling is, yes, they [ISIS] are facilitating such an operation,” Bousaab maintains. “Yes, of course, to go to Europe and other places. You may have, let’s say, two percent [of refugees] that could be radicals. It’s becoming a danger because they are recruiting kids from schools, they are recruiting everywhere. It’s a very dangerous situation and the world should wake up and do something about that. ISIS will not stop at the border with Lebanon. Before you know it Isis will be in Europe.”

In the United States these concerns are largely dismissed as unwarranted fears or – by too many on the Left – as thinly veiled Islamophobia.

Nonetheless, in speaking to proposals for allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S., House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said recently that he can’t support allowing Syrian refugees into the United States. “I can’t support a policy that would allow a jihadist pipeline into the United States,” he told Fox News. “We’ve read their documents themselves when they talk about exploiting the refugee issue to get into the United States.”

And he’s not alone. Both Virginia Representative Bob Goodlatte and Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley have said in a joint statement that ISIS and other terrorist organizations have already “made it abundantly clear” that they will use the refugee crisis to try to enter the U.S.

A number of politicians, both here and in Europe, have long warned that ISIS militants are entering Europe by mixing with boatloads of asylum seekers streaming across the Mediterranean from North Africa and Turkey.

This tactic is not new.

In 2011, two Kentucky residents who had been resettled as Iraqi refugees were accused of being al-Qaeda members. They were convicted of terrorism charges after their fingerprints were linked to roadside bombs in Iraq. That led to new steps to screen refugees, a process that has been criticized as slow and bureaucratic.

“Some of the 65,000 that came from Iraq actually were trying to buy stinger missiles in my hometown in Kentucky,” said U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, a Republican presidential candidate, in a broadcast interview. “So we do have to be wary of some of the threat that comes from mass migration.”PHOTO: Authorities said al Qaeda operatives living as refugees in Kentucky were caught on FBI spy-cams with weapons they thought were to be shipped to other Iraq insurgents.

WATCH Exclusive: ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists (With Stingers In Hand) Could Live in US as Refugees!

HAS the Traitor-in-Chief now upped the ante, and with (mainly) Syrian ‘refugees’? Apparently.

RESOLUTELY, this site stands by the charge: HUSSEIN Obama (and main surrogates) is guilty of treason. The Constitution, in Article III, Section 3 states:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

BUT to aid in said heavy lifting, a petition was circulated to the same effect in March 2015. If anything, over the last 7 months, there have been add-on crimes to add to the charge sheet. Nevertheless, start re-circulating…additional signatures, aside from the 260,000 garnered, are required. Millions of patriots have yet to step up.


Bring charges of treason upon Barack Hussein Obama

  1. Surrendering sovereign U.S. war-making to foreign powers and international authorities by attacking Libya without consulting Congress, in violation of U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section 8 and U.S. Code Title 50, Chapter 33:1541-1548;
  2. Refusing to secure our broken borders from illegal alien invasion, international criminal incursion, and terrorist cadre penetration, in violation of U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3 and Article IV, Section 4;

  3. Adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, as witnessed by consorting with, supporting and installing to powerful Federal positions persons who in writing, word and deed have called for and promoted the overthrow of America’s constitutionally guaranteed Republican form of government, and the overthrow.

INCONTESTABLY, sans a scintilla of a doubt, HUSSEIN Obama is knowingly, willfully and deliberately giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies. This charge is a stand alone, but can be coupled with enumerable supportive exhibits of the same.

SIGNIFICANTLY, re the charge of treason – as noted – a rising sentiment is gaining steam with American patriots. Yet, atop the above, an added basis revolves around the nuclear deal with Iran, HUSSEIN Obama’s Shia spear. So in conjunction with his Sunni (ISIS) weapon of choice, there is no time to waste in levying said charge.

GET busy!

[re-blogged at Islam Exposed]

This story first appeared on: Adina Kutnicki‘s blog.

Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

America's Civil War Rising (ACWR) is a grassroots educational and public benefits organization. All views and opinions expressed by third-party contributors and authors that are posted and contained on our website herein are solely their own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of ACWR, its founding members, volunteers, and/or supporters. ACWR strives to ensure the accuracy and credibility of all news and information but makes no claim as to the veracity or accuracy of any of the views or opinions expressed by third-party authors herein.

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