Mike Pence Has Totally Flipped The Bird To Donald Trump! THE VP’s SKELETONS & SO MUCH MORE! + IMMEDIATE KNOCK-ON EFFECTS OF THE BETRAYAL: Tucker obtains ‘shocking’ internal email sent to ICE officers [VIDEO]

By Adina Kutnicki

IN order to keep at bay the inevitable dangling “sword of Damocles”, that is, from crashing down on a specific target’s head — BOOM — nothing takes the place of this and that lurid blackmail. Surrender-like. 

The Falling Sword of Damocles [Explicit]

WITHOUT a scintilla of a doubt, this is the case re countless who operate/collude in the Washington Swamp. Even so, VP Pence’s back-stabbing — duly exposed here — amounts to an order of magnitude heretofore unseen, all of his so-called “piety” notwithstanding. Bull-sh*t.

MOST significantly, he transferred the reins of the free world straight into the arms of an evil cabal of communists — currently, ensconced in Washington’s power centers and beyond its borders.


BACKROOM DEAL: Pence, McCarthy, Pelosi, McConnell Plan To End January 6 Challenge After 2 Hour Debate – Sources – ET TU, MIKE? WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON? [VIDEO]


IT is into this poisonous swamp that Americans (and all freedom lovers) find themselves buried in — much “credit” given to the worst of the worst, Mike Pence, who feigned being on the right side, morally and ideologically.

AS such, he is so much more than a betrayer, that is, as totalitarian power players now have free rein to run circles around the entire nation, yes, to entrap them into compliance!

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RIGHT WING NEWS|January 21, 2021

President Trump had a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland and Mike Pence refused to attend.

However, the traitor former vice president decided to go to Joe Biden’s inauguration instead. Pence joined forces with two well-known RINOs, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, in welcoming the two radical Democrats who stole the presidential election out from under President Trump and the 80 million Americans who voted for him.

The snakes attended Mass with Joe Biden instead of sending off arguably the United States’ greatest president of all time.

President Trump the Bigger Person

President Trump did not sink to the low level that Pence has exhibited and even took time to thank the vice president in his departure speech. “I want to thank our vice president, Mike Pence and Karen,” Trump said.

Trump’s “left-hand man” had the opportunity to block the certification of electoral votes for Joe Biden but did not do so.

Notable attorney Lin Wood has spent the last few months fighting for election justice and has many claims relating to Pence.

Wood has claimed that the former vice president is part of the Deep State and is in cahoots with Democrats and other Swampy elites.

“I have reliable evidence that Pence has a engaged in acts of treason. My comments were rhetorical hyperbole. Any journalist should understand that concept. If my information is accurate, law enforcement will address what punishment, if any, should be administered to Pence as they do with all criminals,” Wood said.

At first, many conservatives seemingly brushed off Wood’s theories, but now some are wondering if the attorney was right about everything all along.

It is a shame that Pence has folded to corruption and failed to be there for President Trump’s farewell ceremony. Just another traitor who has succumbed to the Swamp’s calling.

Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

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