“Muslim Mafia” Book Review

The Tribune  |   February 20, 2019

By Pete Zamplas

U.S. policy toward terrorist groups and rogue nations in the Middle East is compromised by relying too much on Muslim advisors who are much more radical than they act as, a former undercover investigator said locally last week.

Chris Gaubatz, author of Muslim Mafia.

Chris Gaubatz warned about such “suit-wearing jihadists” as he spoke about his book to GOP groups in Asheville Feb. 12 then Hendersonville a night later.

The Tribune was at Skyland Fire Department, as he addressed co-sponsors Buncombe County Republican Women’s Club and the Asheville Tea Party (ATP).

Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America is the title of the 448-page book in 2009, about his findings from infiltrating radicalized Muslims.

The co-authors are his father David Gaubatz, longtime Air Force counter-intelligence investigative agent and a State Department-trained Arabic linguist, and investigative journalist Paul Sperry. Sperry, a Hoover Institute fellow, is a conservative political commentator. He authored a similar-themed book in ’05, entitled Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington. The ’09 book’s foreword is by U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.), who represented Charlotte in 1995-2013.


Chris Gaubatz said he posed as an American who was converting to Islam, studying in a mosque in Washington, D.C. in 2008 and working for The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that he tabs as a secretly-subversive organization supporting global “jihad” Islamic terrorism. Back then, he was 30 and bearded, a credit card investigator venturing into a dangerous and mystifying realm.


He went undercover at the request of his father. Chris has since trained domestic law enforcement about dealing with radical Islamic terrorist threats. Chris testified to the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary subcommittee on Oversight in mid-2016, and discussed his findings on Sean Hannity’s television show.

Specifically in ‘08, Gaubatz told The Tribune, he witnessed how Islamic scholars and leaders went from low-key instruction to periodically “flame anger” against Israel and the U.S.

He told the crowd he also was an intern in a CAIR office that handled Muslims’ civil rights cases in the U.S. Typically, he answered the phone. But he said as the office was closing, interns were tasked with clandestine after-hours shredding of the group’s bank account documents.

Instead, Gaubatz took the papers to his car trunk as evidence he turned over to authorities. This prompted a lawsuit by CAIR. A federal judge in ’09 ordered removing such papers as the book’s source documents, in deeming them as “propriety, confidential and privileged information.” Before the judge’s ruling, the FBI reportedly served a grand jury subpoena and collected the 12,000 pages of CAIR records.

The papers showed CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood front, and even preyed on Muslims financially, Gaubatz told the Asheville crowd. “The lead attorney pocketed money from Muslims meant for their civil rights cases.” This alleged scammer “never passed the bar exam.” He said five of the victimized Muslims sued CAIR.

Politico stated “in an interesting twist, despite the book’s harsh claims that CAIR is part of a ‘jihadist network,’ the suit does not allege libel or defamation.”

Dave Gaubatz, the father, stated that in five years through 2011 he went to more than 250 Islamic centers and schools and mosques in the U.S. He wrote in an essay how “child marriages are occurring throughout our country and specifically in Nashville, Tenn.” in the Al Farooq Sunni mosque there. His research team were there for two weeks. He said a seven-year-old “Muslim girl at Al Farooq talked to our researcher about being married to a Muslim man.”

Nashville police “senior authorities “informed me they were afraid of being sued by Islamic organizations such as CAIR if they got involved, and it would be a political nightmare to get anything done at the mosque,” Dave Gaubatz stated. He said Islamic groups he alerted “also balked. This reinforced to me that Islamic law (Sharia) is alive and very active inside our country, to include child marriages.”

CAIR in Washington, D.C. and charitable Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) based in Texas are among key players in promoting radical Islamic agendas in the U.S. with our own policymakers, Chris Gaubatz said. HLF originally was Occupied Land Fun run by Palestinian-Americans.

He said it turns out they are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) network that influences many nations in the Middle East, and aligns with anti-Israeli terrorist group Hamas among others.

He said an investigation revealed that about eight groups operating in the U.S. — many of them purporting to be Arabic civil rights groups — are actually arms of the Muslim Brotherhood and allies of notorious Iran-backed anti-Israel terrorist group Hamas. These include HLF, North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Islamic Association of North America (IANA), and Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP).
A probe in 2001 led to 108 indictment “guilty counts” against HLF members and others for links to Hamas and illegal activities over 15 years up to 2008, Gaubatz said. He cited a May 22, 1991 document revealing the operatives’ aims for “destroying western civilization from within.”

He said federal plans to indict more alleged co-conspirators — very notably CAIR officials — were scrapped by then-new Att. Gen. Eric Holder, who “shut down” prosecutorial efforts under Bush 43. This was months into Barack Obama’s first term as president. Also in ’09, U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) co-wrote a memo urging the IRS to investigate CAIR for excessive lobbying and failure to register as a lobbying entity.

Muslim Brotherhood emerged in 1924, and was official founded in 1928 in Egypt by scholar Hassan al-Banna. Its recent leader Mohammed Badie has been imprisoned, on various charges, according to pro-Muslim Al Jazeera news. MB was widely seen as a moderate force, but by last year was officially cast by Saudi Arabia as a terrorist group.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia is the biggest prize in terrorists’ quest to implement Islamic states in the Middle East. Gaubatz indicated the Saudis’ value as a political-military ally overrides human rights concerns.

There is much debate over Jamal Khashoggi, the martyred activist journalist killed months ago in Turkey allegedly by Saudi agents. He was imbedded with Afghan rebels when they fought the Soviets in the Eighties, and reportedly had many MB friends. Gaubatz sides with the view Khashoggi was a pro-MB and Iranian voice.
Gaubatz said the group made great strides in the last two decades. He said it lobbied the U.S. to overthrow ruthless secular dictators such as Saddam Hussein and Moammar Khadafy and more moderate Egyptian Pres. Hosni Mubarak, and got Islamic states with punishing hardline Sharia law in their place.

Thus, America does Islamic radicals’ work for them, to create a power vacuum for them to fill, Gaubatz said.
Some might conclude the lesser of two evils, such as currently in Syria, is to leave the dictator (Assad) in place instead of risk yet another Islamic state. Others might counter the dictators were too much a threat to oil-producing U.S. allies and had to go, but the U.S. [position] has to stay in the region and somehow do much more to hinder influence of Islamic forces such as Isis.

“Our leaders need to tell us why we are fighting, and what the objectives are” in a military-political campaign, Gaubatz said. He said the fight with al-Qaida in Afghanistan has been a long-time standstill. Now, Osama bin Laden’s youngest son, Hamza, has gone there to lead the terrorists.

Jamiat al-Ikhwan al Muslimun was a key advisor urging U.S. action against such dictators, Gaubatz said. A pivotal defense department advisor in the Nineties, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was caught with $340,000 in cash in a sting implicating him as an al-Qaida terrorism “financier,” Gaubatz said.

The “bread and butter” of advancing Islam is for such advisors to gain “political influence” to shape U.S. policy and “top-secret clearance” to monitor it, he said. He sees this as a disturbing impact on U.S. foreign policy, with U.S. presidents, the Pentagon, FBI and Federal Bureau of Prisons and others overly reliant on supposed moderate Islamic advisors. He said CAIR in recent years personnel trained FBI agents, in dealing with Muslims and terrorist threats.

These advisors are more like double agents, he said, and steer a U.S. policy that is too soft and appeasing. He said they retain their influence by condemning their skeptics as “Muslim-phobic” —which gains traction as American liberals bash their conservative rivals with that label for political gain.

“We’re too worried about offending Muslims, so we don’t vet them properly” — even as policy advisors, Gaubatz said.

Gaubatz’s slide show included photos of such speakers with known CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and photos of such men with former FBI Dir. James Comey. Comey, an Obama administration appointee, has lashed out at Trump.

Muslims advising on how to deal with terrorism from abroad are bamboozling our leaders, into thinking Islam is not fueling terrorism and should not be publicly linked to it, Gaubatz said. He cited Pres. G.W. Bush’s declaration soon after the 9/11 terrorism in New York City that Islam is a peaceful religion and not the root of such attacks, and yet terrorists themselves indicate theirs is a holy war (“jihad”).

Instead, Gaubatz asserted, Muslims’ terrorist attacks on the U.S. and allies “has everything to do with Islam.”

But that is not the official line, from D.C. Gaubatz’s slide showed initial 9/11 report wording then the script that edited out catch phrases, in extreme political correctness. “Religion” was in once, in the final version. But he noted that totally gone was “Islam” (removed 322 times), “Muslim” (145), and “Jihad (126 edits). He said the Muslim Public Affairs Council is so influential, it reportedly got the hit TV show “24” to switch terrorist plots away from Muslim to American perps, to avoid offending Muslims.

Gaubatz asserts that in the very least, there are very strong directives in the Koran and writings of Muhammad to punish and even kill non-Muslims. He said this is particularly true in the later Medina version that he insists supersedes the earlier Mecca-era doctrines, in following Sharia law.

He said lashing out at non-Muslims is deemed obligatory, and in line with belief that Allah is the sole true god, Muhammad is his holy messenger, and violent jihad is the quest to convert the rest of the world to Islam. He said in a Muslim state, infidels face three choices: convert, pay a poll tax as a non-Muslim who “submits” to Sharia authority, or else die.

The Sunni-Shiite rivalry in the Middle East sheds much blood. Gaubatz said the U.S. is their common enemy, that they agree on three-fourths of doctrine, and differences generally seem minor such as beard length and how far a backswing to use in lashing someone.

There is justification to deceive enemies of Islam and Sharia law, in sacred deception, Gaubatz said. Many scholars have chronicled the art of deception among leaders in the Middle East, for centuries. He said, “a suit-wearing jihadist is obligated to lie to us” and often does.

Supposed moderate Muslim advocates quote the earlier outdated Meccan version, to give illusion there are peaceful tenets, and this is a shrewd basis for their deception.

Scholar and Tribune columnist Mike Scruggs recently wrote of over “225 serious doctrinal inconsistencies.” He explained them as Muhammad’s apparent transition from a “ministry of non-violent persuasion in Mecca, and his turning to a new doctrine of coercion and Jihadic violence after the first year of his rule as a warlord in Medina.” Scruggs points to two standards of ethics, justice and policy — an internal one for strict Muslims justifying violence against infidels, and the other to publicly appease the West.

A critical application of alleged Islamic institutional deceit is Iran agreeing to deals with the U.S., but not sticking to them, Gaubatz said. This stymies the U.S.-Iran nuclear arms pact Pres. Obama signed (giving back frozen Iranian financial assets), and that Pres. Trump is bucking. Gaubatz likes National Security Advisor John Bolton’s tough stance against Iran.

Iran and other foes of the U.S. are “waiting out Pres. Trump, ‘til a weakling comes in” in the 2020 presidential election, Gaubatz predicted. “Then they’ll make their moves.”

Time is on the side of radical Muslims in the U.S., as they indoctrinate the next generation of terrorist supporters, Dave Gaubatz warned in his essay. He cited violent vendetta, isolationist and rebellious aspects of Islam taught in mosques and molding youths across the globe into potential terrorists, including in several sites he visited in the U.S.

“Abhorrent” is how he termed brainwashing he witnessed, in his 2012 essay “Muslim Children in America are Being Taught to Hate.” He stated “Muslim children attending mosques and Islamic schools are being taught to hate America, our government (and to overthrow it), our military personnel, and its non-Muslim population.” Centers even in N.C. are “teaching Muslim children to hate, and to influence them to commit violent acts inside our country.”

For instance, he said, three of the 9/11 terrorists heard sermons of imam Anwar al-Awlaki Falls Church, Va. months before that attack in 2001. An Islamic bookstore there had “manuals informing the readers how to destroy America, and how to kill anyone who oppresses Islam. They are told how to obtain weapons, to include weapons of mass destruction.” Gaubatz lives in Virginia.

Islamic scholar Ahmad Sakr tours Islamic schools. Gaubatz heard Sakar in a video say “our government is evil, and not to follow the laws of our country, and Americas government leaders will all go to hell.”

The “most dangerous man in America” is Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Gaubatz concluded after reviewing “hundreds of his mosque lectures” that are on Fridays. Wahhaj leads the Muslim Aliance in North America, and was ISNA V.P. He is based in Al Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, N.Y. Wahhaj raises money for for CAIR, bucks “colonial masters,” and calls Islamic Dark Ages a “golden” era, Dave Gaubatz said.

He said Wahhaj espouses “violent ideology of Islam” such as in this sermon: “Those who struggle for Allah, it doesn’t matter what kind of weapons. I’m telling you it doesn’t matter! You don’t need nuclear weapons, or even guns! If you have faith in Allah and (simply) a knife!! If Allah wants you to win, you will win!”

Another scholar on video, Sirah Wahhaj in 1991, implored “you’re commanded” to join the holy war. “When Allah demands us to fight, we’re not stopping — and nobody’s stopping us.”

He is purported to have incited Major Nidal Hasan to fatally shoot 13 fellow soldiers at a base in Fort Hood, Texas in 2009. The Army psychiatrist claimed his killings were to save lives of Taliban in Afghanistan. His court martial revealed he researched jihad on his computer, and emailed an al-Qaeda leader asking if he would be a martyr for killing fellow soldiers. He was sentenced to death for premeditated murder, in ’13.

Dave Gaubatz concluded, “The violence spewed by these Islamic leaders will ultimately lead to more violence in the name of Islam. I have witnessed firsthand the violence being taught.”

Chris Gaubatz senses “many self-identify as Muslim, but have nothing to do with Sharia law” and its call to kill non-Muslim “Kafir” infidels. But he cautioned to The Tribune “they’re afraid to challenge” radical Islamics.

Pro-Islamic politicians include newly-elected Democrat U.S. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) in Bronx-Queens and CAIR-funded Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Gaubatz said. Tlaib’s district bridges Detroit with (for over 40 years) heavily-Arabic East Dearborn. She had a Palestinian flag at her victory rally, depicted Islamic fueling of terrorism as mythical, and reportedly called for the “one-state” solution of ousting Israelis from Israel in favor of Palestinians.

The women’s rights movement alliance with Muslim interests for socio-political “revolution” in the U.S. is hypocritical, Gaubatz said, since Sharia law stifles females. He said Sharia lauds sex slaves as “spoils of battle,” condones child weddings and often rape by making it very difficult to prosecute, Gaubatz said. He said testimony of four witnesses is required, and the woman is blamed for inviting the assault if not clothed enough. She is then tried for fornication, or adultery if she is married.

Islamic and women rights hardliners will rival for supremacy in the U.S., “fighting over our dead bodies” if the Islamic push here is not realized and checked.

He pointed to reports that terrorist suspects (and drug cartel mules) have been caught sneaking across the Mexican border into this country, and thus border enforcement is also of national security importance.
Gaubatz told The Tribune he does not fear for his life, and grinned when asked if he has been threatened with harm for his writings and warnings about Muslim activism.

“He put his life on the line,” ATP Chr. Jane Bilello told the Skyland crowd, “to expose and help dismantle jihadists’ networks” in the United States.
“I’ve become a ‘community organizer,’” a la Obama, Chris Gaubatz jested. He is a consultant, as V.P. of UnderstandingtheThreat.com.

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