‘New Hampshire: Transgender Satanist Whose Slogan Is “F*** The Police” Wins GOP Primary For County Sheriff’ – KNOCK-ON EFFECT TO ‘DARK MONEY’ FUNNELED VIA SOROS & ARABELLA ADVISORS, DESPITE NO SUPPORT FROM GOP!

100/PERCENT/FED/UP | By Patty McMurray | September 13, 2020

Aria DiMezzo, a transgender, ‘Satanic anarchist’ won the GOP nomination for sheriff in Cheshire County New Hampshire.

Incredibly, the voters where she was elected paid so little attention to the unopposed candidate that they voted for her in spite of her “F*** the police!” slogan, that runs counter to the Republican Party.

Daily Mail reports – ‘I can’t imagine they’re happy about this,’ Aria DiMezzo told Inside Sources when asked about the reaction from Republicans.

She won despite the fact that she received no support from the county or state GOP.

DiMezzo will have an even more formidable task as she will face off against a four-term incumbent, the Democrat Eli Rivera.

The head of the Cheshire County Republican Party, Marylin Huston, misgendered DiMezzo by referring to her as ‘he’ when she offered congratulations.

‘He did very well with the primary and that was wonderful,’ Huston said.

DiMezzo is a member of a group of Libertarian activists known as the Free Keene group.


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