By Adina Kutnicki

IF a leadership, with malice and forethought, leaves their borders open; if they understand that infectious diseases are rampant in certain nations, yet make no effort to stop said infiltrators from entering, even threatening docs who know what’s what; if they have facilities to house a certain subset of “dissidents”, none of whom will be Islamists, illegal aliens or anti-Americans because patriots have been declared “terrorists” by DHS; and in addition, millions of “specialized” coffins are warehoused in “camps”, what exactly are they up to? Think about it.

{Video CIA Whistleblower: Obama’s Plans To Destroy US And Seize Power; 70 Agency DHS To Enforce Martial Law…please note: there are some religious tidbits interspersed within this video, but for those whose beliefs are not in sync, just pay attention to the rest of the info…it is dead on solid!}

ADMITTEDLY, most Americans (westerners) find it impossible to believe that their leaders have plans in place to purposefully endanger the populace. They cannot conceive of an agenda that would imperil their very lives, let alone their basic <a target="_blank" …read more

Source:: Adina Kutnicki


Adina Kutnicki