By Adina Kutnicki


(PAY HEED: being overseas is one thing, but when you confront Americans on their home soil the rules of engagement change dramatically, says (former Marine) Sergeant Jeremy L. Knauff in the wake of the murdering of 5 U.S Marines in the attack last week…times are a-changin’…)

AS is known, there is such a thing as unintended consequences. Blow back. Well, under certain circumstances it is more than deserving. Thank heavens for that.

BUT before we segue to some uplifting news (long overdue too), let’s paint a picture of what has been ongoing to date, in relationship to the behavior of far too many Muslims in America. Non surprisingly, Muslims in America feel very confident in their ability to strike at will, as they know full well that a goodly amount of citizens will remain steadfast in their ‘tolerance.’ Still, where is their brazen chutzpah coming from? Is it warranted?

IN a nutshell, it veers back to 9/11/01, and the fact that they became more empowered after fellow Muslims devastated the nation, as opposed to finding themselves on borrowed time – in the cross hairs – within America. Unfathomable.

DEMONSTRABLY, take a peek at some of the 9/11/01 ‘rebuilt renderings’

That a Spanish architect should design a modern Byzantine church in Lower Manhattan for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, based on buildings in Turkey that were used for Islamic worship, goes to the heart of the message the archdiocese says it hopes to send with the $20 million project. The new St. Nicholas is to open by early 2016.

“If I may quote Jesus, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people,’ ” said the Rev. Mark Arey, a spokesman for the archdiocese. “It will be open to everyone: the believer, the unbeliever, the Orthodox Christian, the atheist. Whoever you are, this is a space that you can come into and find some meditative solace.”

The architect claims it’s inspiration is two Byzantine churches…later conquered and converted into mosques…..continue reading….

CONSIDER: how shocking is it that Americans bend (more than submissive-like) over backwards to placate them, even after Allah’s soldiers slaughtered over 3,000 citizens? Not only that, said prostrating continues apace 14 years later, and with countless follow-on attacks. Mind you, despite said obsequious behavior, Muslim arrogance knows no bounds. Infuriating! Enraging!

SIMPLY put, since Islam literally means submission – and Muslims are mandated to submit all non-Muslims to the will of (pagan) Allah – they are inculcated with a doctrine (and culture) which is built upon dominance/submission. Resultant, entitlement and ingratitude are a cause and effect, as well as offshoots to their malignant teachings. Thus, regardless of anything else, Muslims feel superior and that is that. So, infidels, shove it….

BESIDES, what other religion demands that others bow and bend to its will? Rhetorical.

IN this regard, par for their mendacious course, exactly on cue, leave it to the Brotherhood Mafia’s propaganda arm, CAIR, to start their whining and concomitant threats via lawfare, if non-Muslims dare to say a word against Islam! Oh, really? Says who? Double dare.


TO wit, it took barely 2 days after Tennessee’s jihad for their whining to reach a fevered pitch, as their ‘victim’ cards were pulled out of their pockets.


Oh, “woe is me,” whine the Muslims, always making themselves the victims whenever a Muslim commits a terrorist act. The concern that once again, another horrific massacre by a devout Muslim on American soil will fuel ‘Islamophobia’ and an anti-Muslim backlash, is the ONLY thing Muslims ever seem to worry about.


“We kind of hold our breath when we hear that there is a shooting or there’s something that happened,” said Laila Abdelaziz. (Knowing the likelihood is high that it was perpetrated by a Muslim)

Abdelaziz who works for the designated terrorist group CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) in Tampa, says too often Muslim’s feel the backlash when there is an attack like the mass shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by a Muslim. (Oh, not nearly enough you don’t)

It fuels the Islamophobia, it fuels the misunderstanding,” Abdelaziz said. “It’s not righteous, it’s not the way we act,” said Saddiq Lewis. (Yes, it is) “The definition of Muslim is one who submits to the will of God. I cannot submit to the will of God and then do these heinous acts.” (Yet you Muslim savages are the ones who keep doing them)

WELL, if they know what is good for them they will shut the hell up completely and keep their heads down – or not. They would do well to listen to this former Marine….and this investigative journalist is in touch with a cadre of his ‘band of brothers’ and they are ‘up in arms!’ About time. And there isn’t a damn thing that HUSSEIN Obama can do about it, once these vets lead the charge on American soil.

The brotherhood we share is stronger than the challenges we face, the weapons we master, or the enemies we destroy.

You will learn that soon though.

He continued; “You see, we won’t play by the rules you’re accustomed to seeing,” he wrote. “When you play in our backyard, we don’t have to answer to any chain of command. We will not follow ridiculous ROEs crafted by a spineless bureaucrat to appease some goat herding tribal leader. And we won’t be wearing uniforms so that you can easily ambush us. Nope. None of that shit.”

“When you think you’re walking into a target-rich environment, you’re really walking into an ambush,” he continued. “That pudgy, middle-aged guy wearing khakis in the mall, who unbeknownst to you, is a former 0311 and armed, will dump your sorry ass before you have a chance to scream ‘allah snackbar.’ And that soccer mom pushing a stroller, she’s got a Glock and will happily leave you gasping in a pool of your own blood before she lets you hurt her children.”

“We are here and we still have the training and experience to wage war, whether here or abroad,” he added. “And wage war we will. Every one of us are willing to fight and die to protect our Marine Corps brothers and sisters, our families and friends, and our way of life.

You may not have gotten the attention of our Muslim President or our weak self indulging congress but you have gotten the attention of the Marine Corp past and present…”

Semper Fi!

YES, the natives are getting restless, and this investigative journalist is not referring to the Indians. As mentioned, blow back is on tap. Count on it, regardless of Obama Inc.’s treacherous surrogates.

NEVERTHELESS, last week’s (the preceding ones alike, and so on and so forth) massacre was to be expected. Weakness begets weakness. It is that simple. And as disclosed in a previous commentary, absolutely, there are enumerable precipitating factors to ‘open season’ on Americans, but the following stand apart:

The Islamic terrorist who murdered four marines at a recruiting station, Mohammad Youssduf Adbulazeer, was an immigrant from Kuwait. Let’s be honest, not a single person has been killed in this country in recent history from a killer acquiring inspiration from the confederate flag and generals. Yet, we have had countless Islamic terror attacks on our soil since 9/11 that have been directly inspired by the Islamic ideology and the teachings of Sharia.

We could joke about the lack of outrage and desire to ban Islamic paraphernalia and flags in light of the Chattanooga attack with the same alacrity the Left exhibited following the Charleston shooting. But the more serious question is why we won’t address the core issue of Islamic immigration. Talk about “immigration reform,” for once!

We can waste trillions of dollars and incur thousands of casualties refereeing endless Islamic civil wars oversees. We can tip the scales of power from ISIS to Iran in response to this terror attack. But what will that accomplish if we have already let in so many ticking time bombs through our front door and continue to do so on a daily basis?

We can talk about the absurdity of gun-free zones on military installations, and that is a valid point. As Mark Levin observed last night, the Iranian Islamists can be trusted with nukes but our military cannot be trusted with guns on their own bases. But the most fundamental problem is suicidal immigration. And it’s time we wake up as the political class gears up for new waves of immigration from the Middle East.

Here’s why.

Twenty-nine percent of males under 45 believe that violence against America is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land….continue here….

IN tandem, this site already proved how dangerous student jihadis are, therefore, one would think that certain lessons would have been learned. Not exactly.

ALAS, the Jihadi-in-Chief has sped up the process, having welcomed 127K (Muslim) student jihadis during last year! What’s he up to?

student visas

MOST significantly, the Bastard-in-Chief tasked his DOJ to up the ante. Intrinsically, William Killian, the very same DOJ attorney (mouthpiece) who threatened Americans with jail and fines for speaking out against Islam is….drum roll….leading the Chattanooga jihad investigation! More than foxes in the hen-house….

BOTTOM LINE: the only way to save America is via a two-tier track. Patriots, hop on board.

TRACK one: sans any hesitation, totally ignore the totalitarian leadership and charge forward, threats and all. After all, what are they gonna do, lock everyone up who refuses to obey their dictates? That’s the first step. Speak up and unmask Islam!

SECOND on tap, take to heart the battle lines drawn by the aforementioned Marine, Sergeant Knauff. Be prepared to show muscle against Islamists – in all communities – who dare to wage jihad, in whatever form. Let them know that whichever neighborhood – small, medium or large – they hail from there will be retaliation. Whatever it takes. NO more pussyfooting around. This is war. Indeed, NO time to lose.

NOT to be overlooked, aside from Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Sheriff David Clarke, there are barely a handful who speak truth to power. In this regard, listen up to a patriot extraordinaire and take his words as nation-saving ‘gospel.’


IS it an exaggeration to state “everything Obama touches turns to crap?”

MORE than crap…excrement….sh-t….and they are the most benign descriptors!

Source:: PATRIOTS (Finally) ‘Up In Arms’:Tennessee’s Jihadi Unleashed A Firestorm. CAIR Whines. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

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