Senator Tim Scott Announces He Will Not Support Any Electoral Certification Challenges

By Sundance | Conservative Treehouse | January 5, 2021

Before getting to the key points… remember: In March of 2016 an exclusive list of top tech executives, billionaires, donors and influence agents gathered at a secretive meeting with key leaders of the Washington DC UniParty.  The meeting was to discuss their plans to avoid, eliminate and/or destroy the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The meeting took place at the exclusive enclave in Sea Island Georgia.  Since the gathering all of the attendees have operated to either: (a) openly oppose the administration of President Trump; or, (b) carried a stealth agenda to hide their opposition.

Today Senator Tim Scott, a Sea Island attendee and architect of “Opportunity Zones”, announces he will not support any electoral challenges to the certification of fraudulent ballots from corrupt regions within corrupt states in the 2020 election.

[…] Thus far, no justice, judge or fact finder has found evidence indicating the election results in those states should be overturned.

“Republican governors and Republican controlled state legislatures across the country have upheld the results of their individual states’ elections. States have initiated recounts and audits with no significant change to the election results. The Electoral College has certified its results and still other judges, including judges and justices nominated by President Trump, have ended or declined to assert jurisdiction over these legal challenges.

“[…] there is no constitutionally viable means for the Congress to overturn an election wherein the states have certified and sent their Electors. Some of my colleagues believe they have found a path, and while our opinions differ, I do not doubt their good intentions to take steps towards stamping out voter fraud. Importantly, I disagree with their method both in principle and in practice.” (link)

And with that Senator Tim Scott announces his willingness to stand on the side of a fraudulent election, and stand in opposition to President Trump.  Again, this should not come as a surprise… As CTH warned in 2016:

The Sea Island meeting itself was entirely “anti-Trump”, the gathering was almost exclusively discussions about how to rid the primary process of the outside insurgency that was Donald Trump.  Unknown to most, the group assembled also contained so of the original members who constructed the 2016 primary election splitter strategy:

[…]  the same people who attended the Sea Island Georgia meeting, the same people who fund the UniParty, the same people who create Washington DC’s legislative priorities, were constructing a Clinton/Bush win-win scenario. (link)

A few of the billionaires included: Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, Tesla Motors and SpaceX founder Elon Musk. Google Executive Chairman Eric SchmidtArthur Sulzberger publisher of the New York Times and billionaire Philip Anschultz who owns Sea Island.

It is critical to accept who the political attendees were – including: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), political strategist Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Republican Sens. Tom Cotton (AR), Cory Gardner (CO), Tim Scott (SC), Rob Portman (OH) and Ben Sasse (NE).

There were many more “#NeverTrumper’s” including: Energy and Commerce Committe Chairman Fred Upton (Michigan), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA), Representative Kevin Brady (TX), Cathy McMorris-Rogers (WA), Budget Chairman Tom Price (GA), Financial Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (TX) and Rep. Dianne Black (TN).

Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, also attended, and in an emailed report from the conference, he wrote:

The key task now … is less to understand Trump than to stop him. In general, there’s a little too much hand-wringing, brow-furrowing, and fatalism out there and not quite enough resolving to save the party from nominating or the country electing someone who simply shouldn’t be president.” (link)

What we saw from this meeting was the neo-conservative (war-at-all-costs) interventionist segment of the UniParty aligned with the pro-Hillary Clinton billionaire limo-liberal team against Donald Trump.

No-one who attended this 2016 meeting should ever be considered a trustworthy ally for a Trump administration or Trump’s larger America First legislative agenda.

Fast Forward to THIS WEEK… Go back and look at the attendee names.  Senators McConnell, Portman, Sasse, Cotton, Garner and Scott.  What we are seeing now is this same assembly aligning to finish removing the risk represented by President Trump.

Senator Tim Scott’s specific involvement both in 2016 and today in 2020 revolves back around the exclusive group who assembled at the Sea Island conference.   Remember, “Opportunity Zones” are specifically the construct of Senator Tim Scott.

The COVID-19 lockdowns and shutdowns have led to business in your local community suffering massive losses of income while simultaneously taking on debt directly from lenders or indirectly from government relief efforts. Main Street has been hit hard, some analysts estimate 40 to 50 percent of those service-sector businesses may not recover.

Conversely, the COVID-19 lockdowns and shutdowns have created a massive income benefit for multinationals, Wall Street corporations and big tech. Amazon, Walmart and massive tech companies had their highest earnings ever recorded in 2020.

If you take out a national map and: (1) put a green pin in the areas where the lock-downs are most severe (draw a 100 mile circle); then (2) put a red pin in the areas where the riots and local anxiety was highest in summer 2020; then (3) put a white pin in the seven counties where election fraud was prevalent; then (4) put a blue pin in the areas known as “Opportunity Zones“, what you will see is a direct correlation.  This is not accidental.

There are more than 8,760 designated Qualified Opportunity Zones (PDF) located in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and five United States territories. Investors can defer tax on any prior gains invested in a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) until the earlier of the date on which the investment in a QOF is sold or exchanged or until December 31, 2026. (link)

If you are a member of ‘THE BIG CLUB’ with a massive influx in capital due to the benefits of the COVID-19 lockdowns, limits and regulations, the Opportunity Zones are now the perfect place to expand ownership and wealth.   Take advantage of the Main Street weakness, make moves with government authorization, and do so without capital gains.

The regions where real property will be purchased at a low cost will, not coincidentally, be the “opportunity zones” where investment transactions without capital gains can be made. The areas where riots took/take place will sell cheap. “Opportunity zones” allow for mass investment moves from billionaire class without paying capital gains taxes.

The mass accumulation of wealth (multinationals) at the upper tier of Big Tech and the multinational billionaire class (technocrats) during COVID is approximately +40% since it began.  40% of Main Street businesses wiped out. Not coincidentally almost 40% of wealth has been transferred from Main Street to the Wall Street mega-corps and multinationals.

“Never let a crisis go to waste”…

Only in 2020 the “crisis” was (yet again) by design. The highest level of COVID mitigation control in the Blue states is not coincidentally in the same states with the largest number of Opportunity Zone regions. As a direct result of this mass transfer of wealth to the upper tier the “opportunity” is an unprecedented level of Main Street ownership by elite interests and foreign nationals.

It gets worse… Just like the banking and real-estate crisis of ’07/’08 the government steps in to back-fill the Main Street losses to the mass U.S. population.  However, the problem is the relief funds cannot be spent in Main Street because it remains locked-down.

When an individual or family receives the relief money, they still cannot support Main Street because it remains forcibly closed. Paying down debt and making purchases in the same lock-down strata only ends up putting those relief funds into the hands of the multinationals who are allowed to operate.

Continued consumer spending only feeds the beast that is -by policy via purchased politicians- designed to destroy us.

In essence, we are paying the Technocrats/bankers to foreclose on our home/business.

This is by design…. This has always been the design… CTH has been warning about this for well over a decade.  DeceptiCon Senator Tim Scott played his role.

… Making sense now?

Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never go back to that time before when you did not see them.

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