Space Force Commander Breaks Silence: ‘We Were Taught Whites Inherently Evil’

NEWS HOUR FIRST | August 20, 2022

Former Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier has revealed what is being taught by the US military.  Lohmeier was fired recently over criticisms of the critical race theory teachings which have become popular in the military. In an interview with Sean Hannity Lohmeier claimed that he and others were told that white people are inherently evil in addition to what he described as a series of other Marxist teachings.

Space Force calling whites “inherently evil”

The Lieutenant Colonel was removed from his post by the Space Force after making comments on a conservative podcast  which criticized views which he said have become prolific in the military.

Space Force leadership stated that Lohmeier had been removed from his position within the newest branch of the military “due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.”

Lohmeier had spent ten months as a commander in the Space Force before being relieved of his command.

According to his descriptions, the military at the highest levels has adopted anti-white and anti-American narratives which accuse both the people and the country of being inherently racist.

Lohmeier, in fact, has written an entire book on the subject, which accuses the military and the Department of Defense of actively working to spread Marxist ideas.

The explicit condemnation of white Americans, he says, are a blatant violation of Department of Defense policies against discrimination.Space Force

The purge continues

Lohmeier was likely not shocked by his being fired after the publishing of his book and appearances on conservative media; removal from your position is to be expected if you are publicly exposing your superiors.

For the former Lt. Col. the situation is, predictably, going rather well as sales of his book have thrived in the aftermath of his very public firing and subsequent media appearances.

The fact that he is exposing the leftist teachings of the modern military on the way out is an extra victory for Lohmeier and certainly an embarrassment to the Pentagon.

When a military is so actively hostile to so many of those who serve in it there should be no surprise when individuals like Lohmeier decide that the time has come to develop an exit strategy.

When the thanks received for serving in the military is being called “inherently evil” by their own commanders and government there seems to be no discernible reason for someone like Lohmeier to stick around.

The US military appears to be determined to purge white people and conservatives from every branch of service; if teaching like this are becoming commonplace then they may find that it happens even more quickly than expected.

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