President at Voice of the Copts
Ashraf Ramelah holds a Architecture with a specialty in restoration of ancient monuments. He is founder and president of Voice of the Copts, an educational non-profit, human rightsorganization focused on the persecuted Coptic Christian minority in Egypt and the root causes of this persecution. A Cairo-born Italian citizen, Dr. Ramelah is head of the La Rinascita Italiana movement in Italy formed to curb the tide of Islamic immigration into Europe.
Ashraf Ramelah
Photo: Al-Ahzar Op-Ed: Egypt’s Al-Ahzar Institute: The Key to Ending Terrorism or the Reason for It BY DR. ASHRAF RAMELAH Just one month before the Paris massacre at Charlie Hebdo, the prestigious Sunni Muslim Al-Azhar Institute organized and held a co... read more

Founder and Resident Counter-Terrorism Expert at America's Civil War Rising
Dave Gaubatz is a world-class counter-terrorism expert, one whose "boots-on-the-ground" experience is second to none. He is a retired Special Federal Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and boasts over 30 years combined experience. Trained in Arabic, his missions as a U.S. Federal Agent spanned the Middle East and often involved the highest possible level of intelligence and briefings into "black projects." He is also the premier authority on the Muslim Brotherhood. His book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America, is unsurpassed in the world of counter terror. His investigative team uncovered the largest Muslim conspiracy in U.S. history.

Dave Gaubatz has been extensively trained in Islamic ideology and tactics and has examined over 300 mosques/Islamic Centers in the USA and 150 abroad. He currently conducts onsite fieldwork at mosques, Islamic centers, and various Islamic venues throughout America, gathering firsthand intelligence and primary source evidence/materials to evaluate their Risk/Threat Levels and to make national security recommendations to the American public. He estimates that 80% of mosques in America recruit and train in jihad (violent & civilization).

Learn more about Dave's counter-terrorism background and credentials. Read his full bio here, and be sure to watch the informative videography on him, "Terrorist Hunter."
Dave Gaubatz
Interview of Adina Kutnicki & Dave Gaubatz by Israeli Journalist By DAVE GAUBATZ | September 5, 2014   Friends, (This is from Wolff Bachner, Israeli Journalist) Interview of Dave Gaubatz & Adina Kutnicki By Israeli Journalist   ISIS, Islam And O... read more

Founder and Resident Counter-Terrorism Expert at America's Civil War Rising
Dave Gaubatz is a world-class counter-terrorism expert, one whose "boots-on-the-ground" experience is second to none. He is a retired Special Federal Agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and boasts over 30 years combined experience. Trained in Arabic, his missions as a U.S. Federal Agent spanned the Middle East and often involved the highest possible level of intelligence and briefings into "black projects." He is also the premier authority on the Muslim Brotherhood. His book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America, is unsurpassed in the world of counter terror. His investigative team uncovered the largest Muslim conspiracy in U.S. history.

Dave Gaubatz has been extensively trained in Islamic ideology and tactics and has examined over 300 mosques/Islamic Centers in the USA and 150 abroad. He currently conducts onsite fieldwork at mosques, Islamic centers, and various Islamic venues throughout America, gathering firsthand intelligence and primary source evidence/materials to evaluate their Risk/Threat Levels and to make national security recommendations to the American public. He estimates that 80% of mosques in America recruit and train in jihad (violent & civilization).

Learn more about Dave's counter-terrorism background and credentials. Read his full bio here, and be sure to watch the informative videography on him, "Terrorist Hunter."
Dave Gaubatz
ISIS in America By DAVE GAUBATZ | September 2, 2014 More Americans are beginning to catch on that there are very evil people who in the name of Islam commit atrocities unimaginable to the human mind.  ISIS represents Islam in its purest form.  Mohamme... read more