PROJECT VERITAS: Louisiana Department of Health Whistleblower Claims Covid Cases Inflated for Profit (VIDEO) GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Cristina Laila | Feb. 2, 2022 Project Veritas on Wednesday released video of a Louisiana Department of Health whistleblower cl... read more

Co-founder, Muslim Brotherhood Expert & Lead Investigative Journalist at America's Civil War Rising
Adina, our Co-founder, is a Muslim Brotherhood expert, author, investigative journalist, and an independent op-ed contributor at various Zionist and conservative media outlets, including as a columnist at Conservative Firing Line. She is the co-author of Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Jihad (WND Books, September 2016) and an independent consultant for a privately-held homeland security entity, which is based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, and Washington, D.C. Her investigative work concentrates on militant Islamic jihad and its western knock-on effects. Adina contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan. She has also been interviewed several times by The Inquisitr for her expertise on the Muslim Brotherhood. Her blog earned a ‘Watcher of Weasels’ Award, and her op-eds have been featured at American Thinker, Joe for America, Islam Exposed, The Liberty Eagle, Israel National News, Patriotic IsraeliThe Jewish PressMidEast Outpost, The Freeman Center for Strategic StudiesHONENU –"Providing Legal Aid to Israeli Soldiers & Civilians In Distress,", as well as other sites.

For more information on Adina Kutnicki visit her blog or read her full bio here.
Adina Kutnicki
Just In: Part II of Project Veritas’ Bombshell Covid Vaccine Recordings – FDA Employee: Feds Need to Create a ‘Nazi-Germany’ Style Registry of Unvaccinated Americans, “Go Door to Door and Stab Everyone” – (Video) GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Julian C... read more

Project Veritas Whistleblower: Washington Nursing Home Patient Dies After Being Given a ‘Chemical Restraint’ to Coax Her Into Taking Vaccine Against Her Will; Was Allegedly Told Jab Is a “Flu Vaccine” – (VIDEO) GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Julian Conrads... read more

Co-founder, Muslim Brotherhood Expert & Lead Investigative Journalist at America's Civil War Rising
Adina, our Co-founder, is a Muslim Brotherhood expert, author, investigative journalist, and an independent op-ed contributor at various Zionist and conservative media outlets, including as a columnist at Conservative Firing Line. She is the co-author of Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Jihad (WND Books, September 2016) and an independent consultant for a privately-held homeland security entity, which is based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, and Washington, D.C. Her investigative work concentrates on militant Islamic jihad and its western knock-on effects. Adina contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan. She has also been interviewed several times by The Inquisitr for her expertise on the Muslim Brotherhood. Her blog earned a ‘Watcher of Weasels’ Award, and her op-eds have been featured at American Thinker, Joe for America, Islam Exposed, The Liberty Eagle, Israel National News, Patriotic IsraeliThe Jewish PressMidEast Outpost, The Freeman Center for Strategic StudiesHONENU –"Providing Legal Aid to Israeli Soldiers & Civilians In Distress,", as well as other sites.

For more information on Adina Kutnicki visit her blog or read her full bio here.
Adina Kutnicki
Target Acquired… Project Veritas Strikes Again… This Time It’s A Full-On Commie… JAMES O’KEEFE ROCKS! [VIDEO] (UPDATE: Furious Parents Attend California School Board Meeting Where Radical Antifa Teacher is Set to be Fired After Project Verit... read more

BOMBSHELL VIDEO: BORDER PATROL WHISTLEBLOWER REVEALS SHOCKING ENCOUNTERS WITH ILLEGAL ALIEN SEX OFFENDERS STEAD FAST CLASH | By Cooter | March 30, 2021 According to anonymous US Border Patrol sources, a shockingly high number of illegal alien sex offender... read more

Co-founder, Muslim Brotherhood Expert & Lead Investigative Journalist at America's Civil War Rising
Adina, our Co-founder, is a Muslim Brotherhood expert, author, investigative journalist, and an independent op-ed contributor at various Zionist and conservative media outlets, including as a columnist at Conservative Firing Line. She is the co-author of Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Jihad (WND Books, September 2016) and an independent consultant for a privately-held homeland security entity, which is based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, and Washington, D.C. Her investigative work concentrates on militant Islamic jihad and its western knock-on effects. Adina contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan. She has also been interviewed several times by The Inquisitr for her expertise on the Muslim Brotherhood. Her blog earned a ‘Watcher of Weasels’ Award, and her op-eds have been featured at American Thinker, Joe for America, Islam Exposed, The Liberty Eagle, Israel National News, Patriotic IsraeliThe Jewish PressMidEast Outpost, The Freeman Center for Strategic StudiesHONENU –"Providing Legal Aid to Israeli Soldiers & Civilians In Distress,", as well as other sites.

For more information on Adina Kutnicki visit her blog or read her full bio here.
Adina Kutnicki
Whistleblowers Out Zuckerberg Leaked Video Shows The Real Reason Behind Censoring Conservatives + Ron DeSantis Becomes First Republican Governor to Unveil Legislation Cracking Down on Big Tech – BEST GUV OUT THERE; A LEADER WITH PRINCIPLES & BAL... read more

WATCH: ‘Ballot Chaser’ Boasts She Got $55,000 to Flip 5,000 Votes for Biden [VIDEO EVIDENCE] WND | October 28, 2020 A political consultant in Texas boasts in a new Project Veritas hidden-camera report that she’s been paid a total of $55,... read more