The Democratic Party: Created by Confederate Slave Owners — Now Condoning Islamic Slavery


The Democratic Party was formed in 1792 as the “White Man’s Party” to serve the financial interests of Southern plantation owners. These wealthy overlords established a system which deprived Black slaves of their dignity, their families, and their civil rights. They were property—to be bought and sold, whipped, castrated, and lynched to enforce their brutal subjugation. Although Jefferson Republicans and others worked to abolish slavery, particularly in the new western territories, their efforts were always blocked in Congress by Southern Democrats, who refused to be persuaded by arguments of compassion and common human decency. Southern slave owners claimed to be acting with the approval of God and their warped version of the Christian faith.

Islam was founded around 670 by Mohammed, and, by some strange coincidence, his Allah (“god”) also sanctioned slavery. He had a lot in common with the Democrats of the Old South! This is what Allah commanded of Mohammed in Sura 33:50:

Prophet, it is lawful for you to possess the wives for whom you have paid dowries, and the slave girls you have taken as the spoils of war.”

The Quran clearly teaches Muslims that rape and slavery are divinely ordained. The Hadiths, which recount the words and deeds of Mohammed, also sanction slave ownership as approved by their “god.” Mohammed was a prosperous slave owner.

Hadith Sahih Bukhari (Vol. 7, No. 137) describes how Muslim warriors took female slaves and sexually abused them. Aisha, the six-year-old bride of Mohammed who he raped when she was nine, was reported to have said that Al-Abbas, a Muslim nobleman, had many slaves (Sahih Bukhari 5-50). And in our times, Muslims continue to trade slaves, mostly Blacks from Sub-Saharan Africa. Open Doors, the U.N., and the Global Slavery Index estimate that over 860,000 Blacks are slaves in Algeria, Libya, Mauretania, and Sudan. Their Arab masters control them with horrific brutality. These Black captives endure forced labor, sexual abuse, and soul-destroying degradation. Saudi Arabia is a prime market for slavery, and slave markets operate openly in many Saudi cities.

The Democrats also built their base of power by exploiting and terrorizing Blacks. Those slaves who escaped to the North with the help of abolitionists left behind thousands of others paralyzed by fear—fear of torture and death, which came in excruciatingly agonizing ways. Perhaps the most terrifying was to be thrown to the hounds to provide a sporting spectacle for the masters and their families. These Southern “Gentlemen” and their lackeys started the Civil War to keep their slaves, a war which killed over 600,000 Americans. Their legacy, however, survived the war, and it was enhanced by their party—the Democratic Party.

The hatred of Black Americans by Southern Democrats was manifested in their opposition to Reconstruction. They founded the KKK to impose segregation—to perpetrate lynching—and they fought the Civil Rights Act in Congress. As Robert Byrd, the leading Democrat voice against civil rights for Blacks, had stated,

Rather I should die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt, never to rise again, than to see this beloved land become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Byrd was a mentor to many up-and-coming Democrats, including Hillary and Bill Clinton.

By 1968, the writing was on the wall for the segregationists. President Lyndon Johnson realized that he had to side with the civil rights movement. He and his colleagues in the Democratic Party knew that the logical choice for the newly-enfranchised Black voters would be the Republican Party, which had always stood for the abolition of slavery and Black emancipation. Johnson tacked against the winds of change and steered the Democrats to victory, asserting,

If Black people are going to vote, they might as well vote for the Democrats…I’ll have them Nig—rs voting Democrat for 200 years.”

And thus the “new plantation” of the Democrats was created! It’s a carefully guarded secret that Blacks are not supposed to know…

Another Democrat President, Harry Truman, spoke for the Democratic Party of his time when he professed,

I think one man is as good as another, as long as he’s not a Nig-er or a Chinaman…. It is race prejudice I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion that Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia, and White men in Europe and America.”

He somehow forgot that Blacks were brought to America in chains.

In recent times, this tradition of anti-Black racism was voiced by Bill Clinton when he spoke about Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Obama, the Clinton coffee boy, was lauded by the present Democratic nominee for President of the United States, Joe Biden, who declared in the 2007 lead-up to the election,

You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook man.”

Obama was a perfect puppet for the Democrats and Islam.

When looking back at the history of the Democratic Party, Afro-American voters should ask themselves if it can be trusted and if a tree falls far from its roots. The Democratic plantation still exists, and Afro-Americans need to leave it for good! To face the truth sometimes hurts, but it also frees…

The Democratic Party of today turns a blind eye to the enslavement of Black peoples in Muslim countries, particularly in the petro-dollar Arab nations like Saudi Arabia. They buy the silence and compliance of Democrat politicians, especially among those leading voices for Black civil rights. When have we heard the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton—and, yes, even Louis Farrakhan—condemn the enslavement of Blacks in Muslim countries? If they have, they were very quiet about it. Barack Obama shares their hypocrisy. Rather than exposing the truth about Islamic slavery, he praises Islam as the “religion of peace,” as the primary force behind human civilization, and has cited mysterious Muslims as having co-founded America. This endorsement of Islam is to consent and accede to the values of the slave South. The Democrats will not escape the condemnation of history or the judgement of Islam’s slaves who suffer today.

Eric Martin

Eric Martin

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