By Adina Kutnicki, Israel Administrator

OHPI Targets IE

The Online Hate Prevention Institute’s (OHPI’s) “exposure” and condemnation of Islam Exposed is both fallacious and factually incorrect. Therefore, a factual response is contained herein on behalf of our Islam Exposed administrative team.

Essentially, OHPI wants to have its cake and eat it too. While presenting itself as the arbiter of what constitutes the catch-all definition of “hate groups” through “The Problem With Islam Exposed,” it would behoove its CEO, Andre Oboler, to cease straddling the fence, so to speak. His missive is blatantly dishonest. Undignified too.

Fact: Through his chummy association (which will be described shortly) with Amro Ebbiary (a self-described British-Arab), Andre Oboler precludes himself from being an “honest” broker. How so?

As a matter of record, Amro Ebbiary stated: “Why didn’t the documentary [Don’t Mix Indigenous Fight With Palestinian Rights] detail the mass murder of Palestinian civilians by Israel on a near daily basis? Would Hamas be called terrorists if they use F-16′s instead of homemade explosives?”

Screenshot of Amro Ebbiary Statement


On its face, the above statement is an egregious, bold-faced lie, and there is more than enough public information (if one is seeking the truth) to unmask Ebbiary’s absolute distortion of the facts at hand. As a matter of (open source) record, the IDF takes great measures – even warning the enemy population to stay clear of certain areas during ongoing DEFENSIVE military operations – in order to save civilian lives: Israeli army drops warning leaflets on GazaOn the other hand, Palestinian terrorists abuse their own civilians, using them as cannon fodder: Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields.

In this regard, Andre Oboler is more than chummy with his pal Amro:

Amro Ebbiary Comments to Oboler

In all honesty, does it appear that Mr. Oboler is at all perturbed by his pal Amro’s mendacious online libel? Where is his outrage?

In the main, what the misdirected “Online Hate Prevention Institute” is really hoping to accomplish is to silence all criticism of Islam (and by definition, since practicing Muslims are its adherents, how does one as a truly honest broker, distance Islam from its practitioners?) through a well-honed tactic, aptly coined, “Islamophobia”.

For those who are unfamiliar with said PC tactics, a bugaboo was needed, hence, “Islamophobia” emerged. Wielding it as a verbal weapon, its purveyors expect to make others believe, yes, said criticism endangers the Muslim community. Well, this too is more than erroneous.

Fact: the statistics regarding (specious) claims that the Muslim community is the most endangered of all, are simply NOT borne out by facts. All over Europe, Jews are fleeing from relentless attacks by Muslims, and this is one such example out of enumerable others: Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes. Sweden’s reputation as a tolerant, liberal nation is being threatened by a steep rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the city of Malmo. 

Islam Exposed defies Andre Oboler to find any instance, throughout the world, whereby Muslims are fleeing from Jewish and Christian persecutors.

Fact: ”Islamophobia” is a (silencing) tool like few others, as it is the stealth end of frontal jihad: Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR invents a whole new category of ‘Islamophobia’ to whine about: Anti-Muslim bullying in school.

Most intrinsically, for those who eschew straddling the fence, it would be a valuable educational tool to actually read what prominent ex-Muslims (and several well noted scholars) have to say about Islam and its relationship to blood. It is this inextricable link – their abject fear of exposing said nexus – which drives the campaign against Islam Exposed, denigrating all valid criticism of Islam as “hate speech”. Thus, upon reading the following scholarly link – one which wended its way into the offices of certain Congressional members on Capitol Hill – – the truth emerges, wherever it lands.

In effect, by stifling any criticism of Islam – rightfully linking it to jihad and terror – and tarring it as “hate speech”, well, all relative discussions on the most existential threat to western civilization becomes moot. One must urgently posit the following questions: why aren’t “hate speech” quotas extended to Christians and Jews, as well as other religious sects? and how can this be?

Accordingly, Mr. Oboler, where does honesty actually factor in, at the “Online Hate Prevention Institute?”

Adina Kutnicki

Adina Kutnicki

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