By Adina Kutnicki

Typical” disease-ridden illegal, soon to be released into the American public!

EVERY now and again the Traitor/Bastard-in-Chief lets his mask down. Such is the case when dealing with his destructive wrecking ball swathing through the nation, be it through domestic or foreign fires.

ASSUREDLY, only those who are missing (more than) a few screws or malevolent in intent haven’t figured out that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is hell-bent on bringing the nation down. Henceforth, as mentioned previously, let us call him: the “f–k you” POTUS! This is not the time to mince words or be polite. That ship has long ago sailed. Besides, this is not the address for niceties or chit-chat. Readers are well aware, like it or not, if one desires stroking or feel good “news”, this site can’t accommodate.

YOU get the picture….

BUT to understand what’s going on entails following where the end game lies. Basically, two plans are working in tandem. But for one to succeed the other has to take place. In plain language, an influx of limitless voters (illegals are made “legal”, consequently, attaching themselves to the …read more

Source:: Adina Kutnicki


Adina Kutnicki