UNBELIEVABLE: Reuters Hack Harasses Michigan Voter Integrity Group, DEMANDS THEIR TAX RETURNS – After They Post Video of Postal Workers and Others Dumping Stacks of Ballots into Drop Boxes!

GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Patty McMurray | September 19, 2022

Exclusive report by 100 Percent Fed Up.

Nathan Layne is a “journalist” for Reuters.

On Twitter, Nathan regularly shares articles he’s written attacking Americans working to uncover voter fraud or close loopholes that allow individuals or groups to commit voter fraud in America. One of his favorite subjects is Matt DePerno, who is arguably the most popular MI GOP candidate to ever run for attorney general, and who has an excellent chance of defeating Michigan’s lawless Democrat AG Dana Nessel.

Last week, after hunting for a special prosecutor willing to take her case for months, Nessel was able to find a Democrat prosecutor on the west side of the state who was willing to “investigate” DePerno’s role in the examination of a tabulator that a clerk voluntarily surrendered in northern MI. According to Nathan’s reporting, Michigan’s dishonest Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson asked the lawless Nessel to investigate DePerno. A recent poll that heavily favors Democrats shows Nessel is in a dead heat with DePerno less than two months before the November election. 

Now, it appears as though Nathan has turned his sights on the exceptional MI election integrity group MC4EI.

For the past several months, the Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up have been working with MC4EI, an all-volunteer election integrity group, to pour through over 16,000 hours of legally obtained drop box footage from Detroit. The videos we’ve released based on the findings by the amazing investigative team at MC4EI have been both stunning and horrifying.

Here is one example:


On September 14, 2022, Joe Brandis of MC4EI received an email from Reuters “journalist” Nathan Layne. Brandis was stunned that a Reuters journalist would care about their annual tax returns.

Here’s a copy of the email that Joe forwarded to 100 Percent Fed Up.

I called Nathan to ask why he was asking this brave group of patriots for their tax returns. Nathan wouldn’t answer my question and instead referred me to Heather Carpenter, Senior Director of Communications for Reuters. I wanted a response from Nathan, so I responded directly to him in an email.

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