[VIDEO] Joe Forgets Name of Congressman He Invited to Speech, Asks Where The Man’s Mother is (She’s at Home)

Okay, enough is enough…Someone needs to step in and put an end to this madness, NOW…


I am getting angrier and angrier, as this man’s cognitive decline accelerates.

I am actually pissed off at this point. I think it’s unfair, disrespectful, and dangerous that we have a man who is clearly a couple fries short of a Happy Meal, supposedly “leading” this country.

The American people deserve better than this fraudulent circus we’re forced to watch every day.

It’s like the elites think so little of us, peasants, that they foist this Alzheimer’s patient upon us, and then pretend like the horrors we’re all watching unfold, don’t really exist.

“It’s just a childhood stutter.”

Shut up, no, it’s not.

This is beyond infuriating.  This is our country, not a memory care ward.

And with that, allow me to share with you today’s episode of “As The Insanity Turns,” starring Joe Biden.

In this episode, Joe is giving a televised speech, and he can’t remember the name of the congressman who he invited to attend the speech as his guest…think that’s not really “so bad” on the Joe-scale of dementia?

Okay, well, there’s more…then Joe starts asking about his mother and wondering where she is, he’s calling out, and looking around, totally lost…finally, someone off-camera tells Joe that the congressman’s mom is at home.

“Oh,” he says, “well I guess she can’t stand up if she’s at home…”


You can watch the video below:

We deserve better than this, folks

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