Video (above): The Deep Rig Movie Trailer!

VIDEOS: Bobby Piton Puts It All on the Line to “Talk Math” to “Help Save Our Republic in 2022” While the “Left Won’t Talk Math At All”

ACWR Staff | July 17, 2021

Mathematician Bobby Piton and 2022 candidate for U.S. Senate (R-IL) rose to public prominence when, based on his own mathematical analysis and statistics, he testified to election irregularities and fraud alongside former New York City Mayor and prosecutor Rudy Giuliani. He continues to put his money where his mouth, sacrificing his own reputation to defend our Constitutional Republic and expose the truth about the 2020 Presidential Election . . .

WATCH: Bobby Piton’s Panel Interview with Ann Steel on The Steel Truth, “July 15, 2021 Do the Math with Bobby Piton & Edward Solomon

WATCH: Bobby Piton’s appearance at the June 26, 2021 movie Premier in Arizona of The Deep Rig

Bobby Piton is Putting it all on the Line to Help Save Our Republic in 2022

By Bobby Piton (IL-R) for US Senate in 2022 | July 17, 2021

I spent 30 hours straight analyzing the data and proved out irregularities in the math after combing through Arizona and Georgia data that mysteriously generated record blue turnout. The leftwing media was so afraid of what I was sharing with America during my testimony in Arizona, that they attacked me.

Twitter shutdown my social media for telling the truth, just like they did to our President Donald J. Trump. The left won’t talk math at all. (Maybe because their Common Core math can’t stop what is coming.) The media, not even interested in investigating the irregularities or covering the ongoing audit in Arizona in recent months, is still quick to refer to election irregularities as simply “unfounded.” Their “nothing to see here mentality” is a detriment to our entire Republic and our future. Enough is enough! We are fighting back and won’t relent.

This is not a joke to me or millions of people in my state of Illinois and across the country that I have communicated with. People are disgusted and outraged with the stolen election. Yes, the election was stolen right in front of our eyes, and I will double down on that as a fact.

I personally put it all on the line, including my anonymity, my reputation, my livelihood, and I strongly stood up for the people of our great nation and did what was right by advocating for Election Integrity in late November 2020. I did it for my five kids, your children, the future of our country.

The intellectually dishonest leftwing politicians always blabber about, “trust the science.” But I always say first “do the math!” Maybe their common core teachings don’t allow them to do the math that proves the irregularities?

I was raised by immigrant parents who fled socialist communist Poland and they taught me too that if you don’t question anything Bobby, you fall for everything! We are Patriots…we are not chumps. We won’t sit back to watch our beloved country be sold to communist China and the globalists in a stolen election that generated fraudulent and sketchy results throughout the country that simply DO NOT add up. I took a plane to Arizona with my findings and mathematical analysis and testified under oath in front of the Arizona legislature (and later in front of the Georgia legislature.) I underwent questioning during the live-streamed hearing by Trump Attorney and former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The left wing social media communists shutdown my Twitter shortly after President Trump retweeted my testimony. They didn’t like the truth being exposed and retweeted. It’s hard for the left to dispute the mathematical anomalies too, while it’s much too easy for them to just censor us to keep the masses from knowing the truth. I’ve literally seen and heard enough from these feckless sellout establishment politicians on the left (and some on the right) who are clearly not interested in upholding the Constitution. Democrats cannot be trusted either with so much power going forward after seeing how they all too easily eroded our liberty for over a year and a half by locking us up and shutting down our economy, then turning their backs on Election Integrity.

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