America's Civil War Rising is a grassroots educational and public benefits organization. All views and opinions expressed by third-party contributors and authors that are posted and contained on our website herein are solely their own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of ACWR, its founding members, volunteers, and/or supporters. ACWR strives to ensure the accuracy and credibility of all news and information but makes no claim as to the veracity or accuracy of any of the views or opinions expressed by third-party authors herein.

A TALE OF TWO PRESIDENTS: A Comparative Analysis A TALE OF TWO PRESIDENTS | By Wolff Bachner | May 23, 2022 Welcome to a summary of the accomplishments and failures of the two most recent presidents of the United States. Donald Trump entered office as a p... read more

A CONDEMNATION OF JEW-HATRED IN THE 21ST CENTURY – JEW-HATRED IS PASSED DOWN LIKE HUMAN DNA – By Wolff Bachner (VIDEOS) [Updated on July 17, 2020 — Original Op-ed (Below) Written in 2014]  By Wolff Bachner  [Wolff Bachner, former H... read more