The Chinese government is advancing its plans to overtake Taiwan. This comes amid frequent incursions into Taiwanese air space, the positioning of warships near the island nation, and renewing threats against it.

BOMBSHELL VIDEO: BORDER PATROL WHISTLEBLOWER REVEALS SHOCKING ENCOUNTERS WITH ILLEGAL ALIEN SEX OFFENDERS STEAD FAST CLASH | By Cooter | March 30, 2021 According to anonymous US Border Patrol sources, a shockingly high number of illegal alien sex offender... read more

As reported earlier today, the joint session of Congress to count and certify the Electoral College was forced into recess when a mob stormed the Capitol, and some managed to penetrate the building. The mob was identified as Trump supporters, but evidence... read more

In this video from the Georgia State Senate hearing on December 30, data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue of the Data Integrity Group (DIG) present video evidence to demonstrate the anomalies and fraud that occurred in the 2020 Georgia State Presid... read more