My Father’s Dream and Nightmare: History Repeating or Rhyming; Musings of the Son of Immigrants

By Yosef Yair Morgenstern, M.D. |Guest Contributor | October 14, 2020
My late father, a Holocaust Survivor, was perceptive. He walked from Poland into Russia right after the Nazi invasion of Poland in September 1939. The Nazis, without spilling Jewish blood at that time as a result of an accord signed in late August 1939 to divide Poland in a Secret Protocol of the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR, turned over that sector to the USSR. 
My father foresaw and began to prepare for a disaster for European Jews and for Poland in 1935. The Great Depression was devastating. He did not know when war would start, or whether the USSR or Germany would take over Poland. He was unable to emigrate in the mid-1930s because President FDR, a progressive/expand federal government Democrat, stopped Jewish immigration to the USA and the British Mandatory Authorities closed the Land of Israel to Jewish immigration. The Nazis and their Allies in Europe did the direct murdering. 
Poland was occupied by the Nazis and, then directly and indirectly, controlled by the Soviet Union via the communist party which governed the Polish People’s Republic as a one-party state from 1948 to 1989. 
My father’s “dream” — after the loss of 75 relatives in the Holocaust, including a parent, grandparents, and siblings — was to rebuild his life; to enjoy freedom of speech, religion and creed; to feel safe from antisemitism, and to become financially secure as a result of using his brain and working overtime in the USA. 
What a contrast to emotionally immature, emasculated, progressive education/big government/Antifa supporters who want to retreat to “safe spaces” — heaven forfend, they encounter a conservative or libertarian or exposure to their Weltanshuung. Relieved of responsibility from earning a living, as well as from the consequences of their free choices, they retreat even further. At its base, progressive indoctrination and policies create irresponsible sissies who lack any intellectual curiosity. 
My late father’s “nightmare” was that antisemitism, neo-Naziism, Islamic fundamentalism, communism, Marxism, terrorism, or political intolerance would re-emerge, become socially acceptable, and eventually fundamentally change the USA. He believed in a strong USA and a strong Israel. He knew that if one of them would be devoured, at least the other would survive as a haven for some and a beacon for all.
Fast forward. Let’s examine some other parallels and differences, that is, between my father’s America and that of his grandchildren. The USA has experienced unprecedented demographic and cultural change, along with loss of financial discipline at many levels.  Some immigrant communities, particularly those who embrace political Islam or cling to traditional Islam, have no intention to become American, part of the “melting pot.”
Primarily, this is so because technology and financial subsidies via undisciplined government handouts allows immigrants (legal or illegal) to function without learning English. Technology also facilitates lack of assimilation and remaining culturally and otherwise embedded in a foreign mindset. Non-assimilating ethnic enclaves, imported mostly by Democrats who exchange their votes for more power with promises of more handouts of other people’s money, in some ways, facilitates micro and even macro colonies who elect radical Ilhan Omar types. Tragically, not enough citizens view this phenomenon as hostile. Resultant, culturally-foreign forms of imperialism and infiltration metastasize. On the other hand, while some individuals and communities are grateful to be in the US and contribute to American greatness and develop themselves and embrace American values, others, particularly if Sharia/jihad-adherent, are existential enemies of the traditional American way of life, which, when pointed out, is misbranded as racist or xenophobic.  But without a common or objective, race-neutral definition of what is “racism,” xenophobia, or rational vs irrational “Islamophobia”, all manner of calumnies become “acceptable” and the “norm.”
The traditional American doctrines of “rugged individualism,” self-reliance, and freedom of speech are criticized as “White Privilege”, rather than celebrated for its quality of life-enhancing accomplishments, virtue and success-enablement. Whatever happened to MLK’s concept of judgement based on content of character rather than the color of one’s skin?
The progressive doctrine of “intersectionality” socially engineers people to believe they are not human individuals each created by God with a unique personality and potential to rise above any adverse circumstances of origin, to overcome challenges as a way of life, and to be capable of free will and choice. Rather, it indoctrinates into an “oppressed” peoples mindset through “virtue signaling” — they must unite with other so-called “oppressed people” in a relatively selfless group identity against the historical culture and inherently “racist” White people or “Whiteness.” Free thinkers and dissent are not tolerated. Canceled.
To the extent that humans are consciously or unconsciously tribal and judgmental of others, progressive ideology excuses racism and ethnic hatred targeting White people, conservatives, libertarians, and, of course, Jews. There are triple standards in place, instead of an objective single standard of prejudice and hatred. People of color get a free pass because of discrimination that objectively ended decades to over 175 years ago; White people must denounce Whiteness (based on Maoist criticism/self-criticism doctrine); Jews must denounce Whiteness and Israel/Zionism, and, ideally for the left, any and all disconnection to the ideas and ideals in the Torah, are to be viewed favorably by contemporary “woke” Progressives. 
Similarly, “systemic or structural racism” can’t be objectively defined or measured. Real prejudice and racism are measured objectively and documented. For example, limits or quotas on how many from an identifiable group will be accepted to an academic institution, professional training program, promoted based on merit vs race/gender, barred from a park or restaurant, from use of a water fountain, etc., are measurable standards. Antisemitic and other anti-religious discrimination, of course, can be easily measured: defacing of property, attacks on houses of worship, clergy, attendees, disproportionate random targeted punching of identifiable Jews or others, documented harassment, shouting down speakers, threatening emails and social media posts, blood libels about Jews as controlling the world, the media, spreading vs suffering from disease any more than other ethnic groups without objective evidence of such, etc.,  possess quantifiable yardsticks.
In fact, media behemoths from across the spectrum, most glaringly, The New York Times, CNN, BBC, and major corporate networks are demonstrably and systemically biased against, and hostile to, Israel and conservatives. Easy to measure standards come by way of  comparative, parrot-like reporting, suppressing of context, story and message selection, misleading headlines, photographic manipulations, and chronic factual errors. Obscenely, “Trump-Derangement Syndrome” in its many manifestations, most especially, through libelous narratives ala the “Russia-Hoax” and the circus-like impeachment, preoccupied the aforementioned haters 24/7, ad nauseam, for the last four years! 
As to Israel, America’s (Western Civilization’s) “twin imperialistic spear”, ask yourselves: How can Jewish re-settlement within Israel — after forced exile by imperialists, for heaven’s sake — the ancestral and Biblical homeland of the Jewish people, be an occupation? This is an objectively and historically liberation prophesied in the Bible! Besides, if the “Palestinian People” really were distinct from other Sunni Muslim Arabs and historically legitimate, why was there no historical distinction, polity/identity, or political rebellion vis-a-vis the Ottoman Empire or Jordan in the few hundred years that preceded June 1967? Asked and answered.
Thought questions: If the Arab wars for extermination against Israel in 1948 or 1967 had succeeded, what would have been the subsequent borders? Wouldn’t Egypt have expanded north into the southern Negev? As per Jordan — another 10 miles west to the coastal plain that includes Tel Aviv and the port of Jaffa and possibly Haifa — wouldn’t the obliteration of Israel have been a fait accompli? What about Syria and Lebanon south to the Galilee and Jezreel Valley? Just look at maps of 1948 and 1967 before answering. I believe the concept of a “Palestinian people” would have been at best small and inconsequential talk and discarded as no longer necessary because that area’s springboard for jihad was pleasing to Allah. Perhaps, a new Palestine district of religiously, linguistically and otherwise unremarkable Sunni Arabs into an expanded Egypt, Jordan, and Syria would have taken root. More realistically, the Arab/jihadist fevered dream realized this: Israel, the cancerous “foreign implant”, must be  destroyed – at any, and all, costs. Historically, under the Ottoman Empire, what became Israel was merely a district deemed “Southern Syria.” In contrast, what is the Arab and Islamic record against the linguistically, geographically, nationally and/or religiously, and historically distinct Kurds, Yazidis, Balochs, Berbers, Copts of Egypt, and other Christian Arab communities, etc.? Destruction and more destruction.
Back to the nexus between America and Israel…
In my opinion, there has been traction from leftist indoctrination or radical education that began decades ago. Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, which I purchased in 1974 from Jennifer Dohrn — the sister of SDS co-founder, terrorist and Law and children’s Education Professor Berhnadine Dohrn; a manifesto of the Weather Underground — discusses the need to destroy “White Skin Privilege” and to kill all White male babies! Trenchantly, war was formally declared against the USA! Speaking in 1969, a Weathermen terrorist praised the torture and murders committed by insane Nazi cult leader Charles Manson and his brainwashed followers,  “Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room, far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson!” 
No wonder Berhnadine Dohrn (and Bill Ayers, the founder of the Weathermen) and the Obama family were friends in Chicago. Today’s “woke” progressives, including the need to violently destroy the USA, justification of Islamic terror, anti-Zionism and embracement of the Third World as “oppressed” people was envisioned and planned by the Weather Underground! 
As a matter of medical record: I once treated a former Weather Underground bomb maker for addiction to injecting Dilaudid (hydromorphone) in her neck, the only vein she had not yet fully collapsed. She was an unhappy, dysfunctional, nihilistic sociopath from a very wealthy family. She estimated she had spent $1.5 million, as of 1987, on Dilaudid on heroin! Her daughter was on full scholarship in the US Naval Academy. Only in America. Imagine that. 
What was once correctly viewed as violent political craziness/violent extremism, the political program of the Weather Underground terrorists, has become the “woke” paradigm for social and racial justice! Think: Socialism for America; Whites as early, pre-Nuremberg Law Nazi-era Jews.
Along this trajectory, when I was in college in the 1970’s, “no free speech for fascists” was applied to genuine neo-Nazis. Fundamentalist Christian preachers were interrupted and asked provocative questions for purposes of entertainment. But not punched. Nowadays, “no free speech for fascists” means physically attacking and banning conservatives and Zionists. Deans and Human Resource people for “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity” are an imitation of Soviet Political Commissars. Real diversity and inclusion means welcoming conservatives to leftist bastions. The “Silence is Violence” slogan of BLM says it all. Nothing is more peaceful than silence! No dissent, diversity, or discussion of facts allowed. Antifa and statue topplers are the contemporary western iteration of Nazi Brown Shirts, SS storm-troopers, Maoist Revolutionary Guards, the Taliban (destroying Buddha statues) and ISIS destroying relics of prior eras in Chad, Iraq, and especially in Palmyra, Syria. BLM and Antifa are well-financed, organized, easily manipulated ne’er-do-well lumpenproletariat revolutionaries and violent insurrectionists. 
Black Lives Matter should be renamed Black Lies Matter. For every unarmed Black shot or killed by police, about 9 out of 350 million total annual police encounters with civilians, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Blacks shot and killed by other Blacks.  And hundreds of thousands of Blacks die prematurely from smoking, drinking, and drugging.  Context matters. In Black Democrat-led Chicago, during the weekend of October 9-11, 2020, news reported 40 Blacks shot and 4 murdered by other Black people. If BLM and its non-Black supporters, including academics, Democrat elected officials, self-hating Whites, corporate and media supporters, really cared about violence against Blacks there would be proportional demonstrations against Black on Black violence and demanding more effective policing. But there aren’t any because 99+ per cent of these Black Lives lost don’t really matter to BLM and their supporters. Isn’t this racism? Only very carefully selected and deliberately factually misrepresented Black Lives Matter. False martyr mongering. Yes, Black Lies Matter! BLM is a deeply sponsored insurrection accelerating the country’s disharmony and urban decline. Politically designed and amplified by loss of hope from Corona-excuse unnecessary lock-downs with loss of jobs and bankruptcies of businesses, the nation is teetering off the cliff. And nefarious ultra-wealthy corporate supporters, who control and censor social media and search algorithms, who want to sell more products based on redistribution of middle-class wealth, are not only enablers, but the drivers of America’s self destruction. Implosion. 
BLM hero misogynist George Floyd died from an overdose of fentanyl (synthetic heroin) and methamphetamines. He was a convicted felon, who pointed a gun at a pregnant lady’s belly, released from jail way too early. He chose to become intoxicated, resisted arrest, and fought with 4 shorter and thinner policemen. His blood level of fentanyl was 3 times the lethal level. The only way to honestly place the blame on the police restraining him with one knee on a huge back would be to prove that he was a chronic dope fiend (opioid addict) with a tolerance to that much fentanyl and other intoxicants in his blood! He had heart disease. The methamphetamines he speedballed with fentanyl stressed/raised his blood pressure and heart rate and suppressed his ability to breath. Simply put: The left’s newest martyr died of a toxic, self-induced consequence of drugging and behavior when encountering police. See the police body cam footage the leftist “news” media hides!
For a visual aid, try this at home—but without drugs or alcohol in your system! Have a smaller, thinner person place a knee on your back at various pressures and breathe. You will not come close to passing out. This experiment is coming from a highly seasoned medical professional.
Alas, why was his death described as proof of racist police brutality? Would it not have had the same fatal outcome, based on toxicology levels, if the cops were Black and/or he was White? Even if you answer no, are hundreds of thousands of American police guilty by association, thus, to be defunded, even if 1 out of 4 of them committed a crime?
Inexorably, BLM/Antifa are well-financed and led. The questions become: Who are their domestic and foreign supporters? Why are they doing so? 
Conclusively, BLM/Antifa are Black separatist anarcho-communist products of now mainstreamed anti-American, anti-White People, and antisemitic indoctrination. This toxic doctrine has had a long march thru the institutions of education, culture, media, the Democratic party, and the corporations. Why is their Burning, Looting, Murder, and Mayhem lied about as mostly “peaceful protests” by Democrat-controlled media and local and state governments? Indeed, what kind of future does America and the world have if Democrats win the 2020 elections? By extrapolation, what if the insurrection is not suppressed or further infiltrates and mutates?
To make matters more incendiary, (Shia) Iran and the (Sunni) Muslim Brotherhood — promoted by Turkey and financed by Qatar — have also been working, separately and jointly, to take down the USA and Israel for decades. Which is more likely to succeed, God forbid, initially and finally? Will it be the anarcho-communist Democrat alliance (my father’s era USSR), or jihadist Islam (a current manifestation of my father’s era Nazis)? Mind you, both are working via the “red-green” alliance/axis!
As such, will America succumb to Islam or the incendiary “woke” mob, yes, red-aligned domestic terrorists? Or, will patriots resist and go on the offensive against one or both? More specifically, will my father’s grandchildren live under the progressive woke totalitarianism (socialist-oriented, anti-American Democrats inspired by Weather Underground anarcho-communism) or Islam, or a mixture of both? 
All of which begs the question: Before their inevitable violent clash comes to fruition, despite a “working relationship” — resembling what happened within 2 years after the Soviet and Nazi Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 23 August 1939, described above, that let my father survive his only direct encounter with Nazis — whose totalitarian boots will come out triumphant? In other words, who’s on first??
Finally, let me be clear: My family is grateful to America. We love it and the ideals it once represented. The USA and voluntary — not government-funded — Jewish communal aid saved my parents by providing a place of refuge, with no government handouts, after world wars. But the America my parents escaped to and embraced has become progressively intolerant of Republicans, Christians, Jews, White people, and those who do not identify as progressive. May America and Israel return to the doctrine of “In God We Trust” before the false god idol worship of human progressive and jihadist ideologies gain further traction and spills more blood on its path to replacing freedom with fear. 
Inestimably, truth matters. Black Lies Matter. Honest academic research and journalism matters. People and institutions can self-wean and detox from Weather Underground-origin, progressive indoctrination, that is, if the will to survive is supreme. 
To wit, it will be nation-saving for the USA if Mr. Trump, who has sound policies, unlike Biden/Harris, wins. If he loses, heaven forfend, Kamala Harris, red diaper-baby daughter of a Marxist academic father, and a politically darker and younger version of Hillary Clinton, will continue the fundamental transformation to destroy freedom in America that anti-American Obama started.
Warning: It will be a top-down, bottom-up revolutionary merger!
Yosef Morgenstern

Yosef Morgenstern

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