Woke Restaurant Enrages Diners By Adding New, Anti-White Charge To All Receipts – BOYCOTT INTO BANKRUPTCY … PLUS …

WND | By Michael Austin, The Western Journal | June 27, 2021

A Minneapolis-based restaurant is now charging customers a 15 percent “equity charge” on all guest checks.

The reason for this new charge?

Customers are too racist and too sexist to be trusted with tipping properly.

The restaurant, Broders’ Pasta Bar, published an entire page on their website explaining the new policy titled “WHAT IS THE BENEFITS & EQUITY CHARGE?”

“2020 was a time of introspection for us as it was for so many of our neighbors. In response to the racial injustice protests throughout our community and the (many) closures we experienced because of COVID, we spent some time reimagining the economics of our business with the goal of providing fair pay across our company,” the website reads.

“One result of this effort was the creation of a ‘Benefits & Equity’ charge of 15 percent that is added to all guest checks.”

According to Broders’, the funds accumulated from this new racism tax will be redirected toward paying employees wages, paid time off, insurance and various employee assistance program.

So, essentially, Broders’ isn’t using these funds to actually achieve greater racial harmony; they’re simply capitalizing on the current social justice movement by monetizing Minneapolis citizens’ white guilt in order to pay their own employee expenses.

Perhaps the most offensive part of this story is the restaurant’s explanation for why this tax is necessary.

“Industry studies have found gender bias in tipping and that Black or Brown servers receive less tip income than their White counterparts,” Broders’ claims on their website.

That’s right — Minneapolis customers are too sexist and racist to be trusted with tipping their female and minority servers correctly.

Putting aside that blatant character attack on their customers, when it comes to the supposed “industry studies” the website mentioned, no source was provided.

Even if such studies do exist, they are likely guilty of the same fallacy all supporters of equity and believers in “systemic racism” tend to fall victim to.

For example, if there is a study that studies the differences in tips between minorities and whites, and that study finds that whites are tipped better, that does not mean “racism” is the cause.

Often times a host of group differences — in terms of demographics, group behavior, culture and so on — remain unaccounted for in such analyses and then “racism” or “racial bias” is blindly attributed as the cause with the only evidence being differences in outcome.

In the same way that correlation doesn’t mean causation, group disparity doesn’t default to gross discrimination.

But, of course, Broders’ and other like-minded woke businesses don’t care about scientific fact, or about actually finding ways to help underserved minority groups.

All they care about it their own profits.

It’s easy to support “equity” when doing so means more money in your pocket.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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