ANTIFA: Jihad in America

BY DAVID AGEMA  |  June 3, 2020

When protests turn violent and groups like Antifa support, encourage, and plan chaos, it is spot on for President Trump to declare it a terrorist organization. Because Antifa’s actions are destroying America, Islamic Imams are in favor of these riots. They accomplish their goal of civilization jihad.

Since America has been under shutdown, many youths with nothing to do willingly join riots to steal TVs, jewelry, alcohol, food, etc. There is no doubt that this was a perfect storm for Antifa to grab onto the death of George Floyd—the unarmed African-American man who was killed by Minneapolis police—for the purpose of anarchy and to sow dissatisfaction and destruction of the culture we have so long enjoyed. No rational person or government can tolerate such violence without using force. To capitulate only encourages more of the same. These mostly young protestors won’t listen to reason. They only understand force and government agencies that are willing to use it.

Police have found bricks suddenly delivered where no construction is planned, and those bricks have been used to destroy and harm people. This is evidence that there are people inciting riots and paying for it. These people need jail time. I like the idea of incarceration at Guantanamo. It worked for terrorists, and that is what we are dealing with here.

Antifa, an acronym for “anti-fascist,” presents itself as an anti-fascism movement; yet, it is anything but. It is a political revolutionary communist-anarchist militia movement that dates back to Nazi Germany and employs similar tactics to those used by the SA (Sturmabteilung) or Nazi storm troopers (also known as Brown Shirts). It aims to overthrow the U.S. government through violent political protest and is intolerant of other ideas and opinions that dissent from its own. It is coalition of left-wing groups that uses violent and aggressive tactics and attacks any it deems as racist.

Antifa calls hate speech anything that disagrees with its opinions. They are oppressors. They disrupt conservative speakers by shouting, chanting, and forming human chains. They use community organizers to establish protests, which should raise red flags concerning some of our politicians who were once exactly that. They have physically confronted conservatives in the streets and have been successful in stopping rallies and speeches all over America. They bogusly use the rationale that immigration (illegal), government, healthcare, and abortion are reasons for women to join them. They hate organized government but yet desire benefits from that same organized government. That in itself is not just laughable. It is hypocritical as well.

Without law and order, we lose liberty, freedom, safety, and economic prosperity. That is unacceptable and must be dealt with harshly. Their disrespect for authority feeds into the malcontents’ desire to harm police officers and politicians. We’ve already had police shot and many hospitalized. 

What is most disturbing is that our politicians are encouraging such behavior. The reason for this, I believe, is to dump Trump. When political agendas supersede the oath of office that they took to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, we have chaos and an enemy within. These politicians have become useful idiots and are destroying the fabric of American society. They are actively supporting a domestic enemy that may well also be funded by foreign sources. 

Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. He called for peaceful demonstrations, not what we presently see. If he is the example, then listen to him and do what he did—not this. Rioters are being used to further an agenda that they are not even aware of. The longer this goes on, the more hateful and divisive it becomes. This has happened before. We should learn from the past because we are definitely repeating it.

Remember, ANTIFA . . .


David Agema, a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and the past president of Top Gun Republican political action committee, is a U.S. politician from the state of Michigan. David represented District 74 as a Republican member of the Michigan House of Representatives (from 2007 to 2013) and served as a member of the Republican National Committee from 2012 to 2016. He earned a rating of 100% by the Conservative Union and was also a Senior Captain at American Airlines.

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